After playing the standalone for about 130 hours now, I know my way around Chenarus pretty well. Game IMO is more fun than SA atm.. A lot more to it.. However, the zombies and easy deaths piss me off so much.. A good momen't i'll have for a while.. Was just on top of sniper hill with a G17 (spawned in with) and luckily found a guy with an m14 and M40! In my hero / semi-bandit ways, I decided to find some cover and look down into Electro.. (This was one of those servers where you can pick spawn).. Of course, I found a group of 5, yes 5! people on the powerplant firestation's roof.. With the m40, got 3 headshots and a body shot, but sadly I had to relog because of internet issues... When I came back, the missed guy was still there looting his friends! Two shots and he was done.. One question, how do you pull out your axe XD Great game for screwing around in.. Don't ever think i'll try to survive.. seems too hard in the mod, unlike the standalone..