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Everything posted by taco86

  1. taco86

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    Why not? Seems like a good idea to me so long as all of the plates fit within all of the plate carries thus not creating some usability issues with larger numbers of plates within the loot table.
  2. taco86

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    Actually, 5.56 rounds over penetrate at mid to longer ranges, not shorter. At short range the yaw forces are greater due to higher velocities rapidly increasing the fragmentation rate of the projectile. m855 out of a 14.5 inch barrel is known to have fragmentation issues beyond 200m, 300m for a 20 inch barrel. As for the potential capabilities of ballistic plates in game... I'd like to see the plates themselves be items that must be inserted into plate carries. Both ar500 steel lvl3 armor and composite lvl 4 armor should be introduced. AR500 should be very tough and capable of stopping many hits with moderate to low shock damage caused to the wearer. Composite should be less multi hit capable however with lower shock damage. For realism and balance purposes, I'd like to see the protection granted from using plates only present on the portion of the characters hit box that is covered by the plate.
  3. taco86

    Is the AKM or M4A1 Better?

    Akm has magic 0 dispersion, does more damage, and 7.62x39mm is more common... You also don't need to find special magpul parts to make the weapon viable... This is a non contest, the akm is clearly the better weapon in the current build... Maybe once the weapon gets it's accuracy nerfed to relatively reasonable levels the m4 will become viable, but untill then? Just use the easier to find, easier to kit, and easier to field akm.
  4. taco86

    DayZ SA still much more laggy than anything else I play

    There is no "new engine"... It was stated as such for marketing purposes more than anything else (this is my opinion of course)... The "new" engine is the exact same engine we have atm, it's just being rebranded as development continues to draw it further and further away from it's roots. Deans comments were extremely misleading which is the reason hicks came forward and explained the reality of the situation to the reddit community shortly after...
  5. taco86

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    It's right around the same energy levels of .45acp and 9mm nato at around 450-500 ft/lbs of energy. BC of course is much better, meaning that it's going to be effective at much greater ranges, but it's certainly not playing in the same league as super sonic rifles. Even the "Dinky" m16 produces around 3x the amount of KE and dumps energy much more rapidly as well. Regardless of the comparisons, the 9x39mm will still kill the shit out of you, certainly not something to underestimate.
  6. Not exactly sure what 5.45x39mm has to do within this full length ar-15 thread, but I'll bite none the less... Last I heard, the dayz team was thinking about not adding 5.45x39mm and instead chambering the ak74 and it's variants in 5.56x45mm. Of course the forums exploded and a thread was started and eventually closed by a mod (w/o explenation mind you). Prior to the thread being closed, a poll popped up with the vast majority of people favoring all weapons receiving their real world ammunition... Hopefully, the devs have listened and 7.62x54 and 5.45x39mm will be added. As for western tacticool "crap" showing up in every movie... The same can easily be said about the cliche pact weaponry as well as they are no strangers to hollywood. Now to get back on topic... Here is a nice free floating "civie" ar-15... A.R.M.S. SPR full length rail and 20 inch stainless 1/7th Kreiger. Essentially a mk12 spr but with a tiny bit more muzzle energy. I'd still rather have a mk12mod0 though... Could be tossed into heli crash site spawns with m4a1... Both the mk12 and m4a1 are heavily used within SOCOM making it "lore" worthy for both weapons to be in downed blackhawks.
  7. Well, muzzle velocity actually starts being reduced with barles longer than 20 inches. As for the 1/8th vs 1/7th, the difference is almost non existant with 77gr m262mod1 bullets, but you are "technically" right... The real noticable difference will come from shooting the longer copper m855a1 and some specialized 80+gr ballistic tip hunting rounds. For standard m855 and mk262mod1, there will be no real "noticable" difference. mk12mod0/1's also have threaded barrels as the weapons were heavily designed around the usage of a suppresor (the primary reason 18inches was chosen over 20). Now if there was a mil spec free float version of the m16... That would certainly get my vote. Either way, a precision semi auto 5.56 rifle will be sweet regardless of which one they toss in.
  8. I've bolded the key portion of your post. Recoil is the primary reason a shooter will miss the placement of their shot, the shot however will still kick up debris. Justifying the lack of any kind of dust beyond 150m (ish) due to shooter recoil is not only unrealistic, but completely misses the manner in which the shooter himself would be unable to see the hit (recoil). A spotter should be required to locate hits on targets at these ranges, however totally removing the hit effects beyond close range (for whatever reason) completely removes the potential of teamwork to be at maximum effectiveness. P.S. 7.62x51mm hits are very much noticable even at 1000m through a spotters scope, or really any optic not attached to the shooters rifle. In loose dirt and at 1000+m the debri cloud kicked up will be "taller" than a person.
  9. I'd personally like far more of the loot to be "bound" to random "encounters" spawned around the map. Think of the helicopter crash sites on experimental, but far less specific. For example, there could be a crashed lorrie loaded with lots of food, or an ambulance with medical supplies. There could be checkpoints with some limited military gear and/or ammo, or even weapons cashes randomly placed within houses outside of major cities and towns. Essentially the idea is to have items bound to more "realistic" settings with the end result being increased immersion. These settings (helo crash, road block) would of course not be static though. The goal is to reward those who spread out and explore while also possibly drawing multiple players towards each other pushing further interaction.
  10. taco86

    Mosin or M4?

    SKS is rng gun in the current builds. Dispersion is very significant beyond 150m. Compared to a tricked out mosin/m4 it stands no chance... Both the mosin and m4 can hit point targets well beyond 400m. The sks is just pure dice rolling at those ranges, even if perfectly zeroed.
  11. Except that he is controlling the situation... By killing anyone and not letting the situation develop in the first place...
  12. taco86

    Make mics a requirement.

    What about people that physically cannot speak (cancer, injuries, war wounds, birth defects)? There are lots and lots of them that play video games...
  13. taco86

    Airfield Massacre!

    Yo jigga, if you're not cheating and have nothing to hide why did you take the video down?
  14. Specifically why would it "not work" for twitch shooters?? The feature takes nothing away, and has no impact on the manner in which you manipulate your character unless you decide to use it. Track IR and Rift are becoming more and more common as well, features like independant head swivel are essential in granting the highest level of immersion with said devices... I can pretty much guarantee you that once vr becomes a significant player in the projection of visual media, that all FPS (including twich shooters) will be including some level of free look.
  15. taco86

    Helicopter crashsites

    I would not say that's a "flaw"... What you're describing is proper and acceptable behavior within this sandbox we call dayz. If you're worried about someone sniping you when you move on a downed heli, try and clear some of the "ideal" sniper points in the area before hand.
  16. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    it's an m92 :). Essentially a 74u with a bit more balls (and spits 7.62x39). Recoil is a bit fierce w/o a muzzle break though, so right there we have a potential attachment that could have a "realistic" impact on the weapon.
  17. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I certainly agree with you daemonkid, I'd also rather see the ak74m chambered in 5.45x39 (as well as the 74u). That being said... I don't think we're going to be getting more ammo types untill the manner in which loot spawns is more dynamic and inteligent. As seen with the pistols, bloating a portion of the loot table (mags) can have a rather negative impacts on the viability of weapons. oh yeah, i still want one of these.... (incoming off topic request!) m92 pap baby
  18. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Always nice when a heated thread pulls off a modest amount of genuine compromise.
  19. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    It's 62 grains (gr) not grams (g) Common mistake.
  20. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Katana the problem solver, I'm on board with the 101.
  21. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Fair enough orlok, I still don't consider 5.45x39mm a "sub" cal of 5.56x45mm though. Here is a nice cross section of what i'm getting at... (i know you know what I'm already getting at) And then there is the specific KE and ballistic performance... 5.45x39mm Russian 7n6 53 gr projectile at 3000 fps = 1059 ft/lbs BC of about .16 5.56x45mm Nato m855 62 gr projectile at 3150 fps = 1366 ft/lbs BC of about .305 The 5.56 m855 bullet is significantly more efficient in terms of aerodynamics while also having almost 30% more energy. These two rounds are very different from eachother. As stated prior, there is a much larger difference than between a 7.62x51mm and a 7.62x54r. Either way, to each their own.
  22. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    orlok, would you consider the 5.45x39mm a "sub" caliber of 5.56x45mm nato? This is specifically my biggest gripe with the proposed outline as unlike the 7.62x54r and 7.62x51mm (probably less then a 5% difference in KE), the 5.56 and 5.45 have rather significantly different ballistic and terminal ballistics... 5.56 nato generally has 20-25% more KE than a 5.45, however 5.45 still "frags" or dumps energy properly even out of a very short barrel.
  23. taco86

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Quoting an opponent's words out of context—i.e., choosing quotations that misrepresent the opponent's actual intentions.Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender, then denying that person's arguments—thus giving the appearance that every upholder of that position (and thus the position itself) has been defeated.Inventing a fictitious persona with actions or beliefs which are then criticized, implying that the person represents a group of whom the speaker is critical.Oversimplifying an opponent's argument, then attacking this oversimplified version. Phillyt, You're post was text book strawman dude...