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About frenchgorilla

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. More zombies=good Endlessly respawning zombies= stupid and busted
  2. All you hardos sayings it is easy and they are no problem are comical really, Either you aren't playing the same game or you are lying. The problem is the spawn system. I am sure they are working to fix the myriad of problems with the Zombies (running through walls, super-awareness, etc.) but those would all be manageable if you could see what you are dealing with and gameplan. The trouble comes in when aggroed Zombies are spawning less than 20 meters from you endlessly. That is not fun, it is stupid. I would love for there to be a hoards of Zombies roaming around towns and all over the map but the busted spawing is just foolish.
  3. frenchgorilla

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    It's a game that can offer a very different experience from regular shoot'em up games. There is certainly room for violence in this game but if you just want to serverhop to gear up and kill other people (as you've previously said) you really don't understand what this game can offer. Go play COD.
  4. frenchgorilla

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    It is a game indeed. You have a firm grasp on the obvious. It does say something about you that you find enjoyment in intentionally aggravating other people. Jerks like you do add some interesting elements to the game though. It adds to the realism because I deal with ass hats like you everyday in real life and they would exist in the apocalypse. As a long as everyone isn't a douche-bag like you, it's fine. Just because there is room for you in the game doesn't change what you are, a selfish wannabe bad ass.
  5. frenchgorilla

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    I find I can't play a douche-bag bandit/KOS style. I end up playing roughly how I think I would act in the hypothetical apocalypse. It can be frustrating though. I was in the "office" building at the Berenzino lumber mill. I was pretty well geared, ammo, food, a couple can openers, etc. I had an extra sks in my hands. An obviously fairly new spawn logged in downstairs. I kept my guard up but started talking to him. He claimed to be cool and told me his buddy was logging in nearby. When his buddy came I told them I would help. I kept my distance but gave them food and water. I then told them I would give one the EMPTY sks and the other a spare fire-ax. I never turned my back and always kept a weapon in hand. They were being kind of quiet. I suspected some Team Speak going on and wasn't happy. They managed to get on either side of me. I backed into a small room with my ax out. The fools rushed and I got my loaded sks out and wasted them both. It was such a clumsy attempt at banditry. I was all amped up but I had to laugh too. I would have helped these guys get geared up too. So pointless but it has been one of the most interesting experiences I've had on the game. I will continue to try and help people but very carefully.