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Princess Dookie

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Everything posted by Princess Dookie

  1. Princess Dookie

    The reason why you shouldn't use a Ruger 10/22 for PVP

    Yea, that does seem a bit weak. Headshots should be a one hit kill in my opinion; in real life, it sure as heck is. Bod, well, I think it should depend on how much clothes you have on; vest, jacket, etc. If you only have a tee on, well, a 2-3 shots should do the trick.
  2. Princess Dookie

    Doors - anyone home?

    Where did you read that they will? I am curious, as I was hoping they would discuss this issue already.
  3. Princess Dookie

    Doors - anyone home?

    I always close. Simply put, majority of people leave them open, and you can "track" if someone has been there after you. Also, it is good for an ambush, especially, in 3P mode.
  4. Princess Dookie

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    Gotcha. Yep, I only found SKS's in this one. I am glad that m4s are in there tho. Still weird, but I believe you! :)
  5. Princess Dookie

    confess ur sinns ! the reverend is in tha house

    Father, I met a kind gentleman that decided to taste the spring waters of berezino. I drank until I was ready to vomit.. He drank enough.. I killed my new friend and vomited on him.. I did it 5 more times before leaving the location..
  6. Princess Dookie

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    Hmm, that is quite weird. I explore the map quite a bit, and never find them in regular houses, aside from the two I mentioned previously. Might you have a picture of how this apartment looks like? or at least some coordinates so that I can go there?
  7. Princess Dookie

    Farming Suggestions/Possible Implementations

    Nicely said. Not sure how the persistence will work for buildings, but if it is very server intensive, they could make farming last 5-6 hrs. I know that sounds too short, but there is always a line that needs to be addressed between realism and what a game can simulate.
  8. Princess Dookie

    Farming Suggestions/Possible Implementations

    How do I say this nicely... You are an idiot.
  9. Princess Dookie

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    The chance of that is 1 in a million. The reason you found that m4 there is most likely because someone with two weapons logged out, and the m4 with the ammo fell onto the ground. Aside from schools and military bases, the m4 does not spawn anywhere else. But as far as the food comment is concerned, I have experienced like scenarios. I would come to some random house, one that looks completelly empty, and find a few cans of food, cereal, rice, you name it. Basically, enough food to feed 5 people.
  10. Princess Dookie

    My gameplay just got ruined.

    You have a weak chin. Have you considered wearing a bike helmet to eliminate this "unconscious" problem?
  11. Princess Dookie

    Tips for finding can opener?

    No way, in 420 hrs you never found one? you must only stay in the forest.
  12. Princess Dookie

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Piano Houses and Super markets.
  13. Princess Dookie

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    Well, yea, this is how it is supposed to be. Since this game has no other objectives, aside from man-hunting, do you really think it would be a good idea to be fully geared in 30 minutes? Of course not, because at that point, the game is not about survival, exploring, meeting other players, etc., it is about getting geared, dying / killing, re-spawning, and doing the same thing in 15 min.
  14. Princess Dookie

    The Sun

    The position of the sun seems ... different. I have noticed, I could be wrong here, that the sun rises in the direct south - > shines towards north. Isn't this supposed to be slanted much more towards east? I have yet to see the sun rise on the east, and set in the west. Am I wrong or is the sun actually in the wrong location?
  15. Princess Dookie

    The Sun

    They really should, at least in 1st person mode.
  16. Princess Dookie

    The Sun

    I will check the compass one more time again today, but the argument you make is only true if the position is southish, not directly south, which is what the game shows to me.
  17. Princess Dookie

    The Sun

    The sun is an easy way of navigating. If it is incorrect, the only true way to navigate will be to use a compass, which should not be required. && That is just a lighting issue. I have seen my character go into specific rooms, and it would feel like dawn, rather than 3 pm. & As far as the clouds are concerned, well.. I suppose I have never really payed attention to that.
  18. Princess Dookie

    Delay when messing around with inventory?

    In short, it is the server performance/ game issue. What you could do to test this is replicate the same scenario on both a non-pupated server and a server that has 40/40 players. You will have your answer there.
  19. Princess Dookie

    in game currency? or trade system?

    I am sorry, I misread your last comment. Yes, I fully agree to this. You ought to be able to put this into their hands, or at the least, into an available slot in their inventory.
  20. Princess Dookie

    in game currency? or trade system?

    Not really. I agree with the majority of comments arguing that you trade what you have, for what you want. Ex: Food, drinks, ammo, guns, etc. Once, I traded with two guys for food ( for my starving friends ), and gave up my FNX with some ammo.
  21. Princess Dookie

    in game currency? or trade system?

    I agree to some extent, but that is the part of realism. You deliver the goods, to the buyer, just like a FedEx man delivers a package to your door. Now, I am also in favor of having an "automatic" way of trading, where "trust" is not needed; the system makes changes between player A to player B, but that would require some sort of a management system to be provided.
  22. Princess Dookie

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Within the 100s. Majority of the time, I join 40 player servers, go to Electrozavodsk, and go to war. It is ideal for me to get a good 40~ kills in a good 7-8 hrs, with a group of 3 I travel with. With that in mind, I also have roughly 300 hrs in the game, and kill anything I see. I stopped looting. I let the loot come to me and my mosin.
  23. Princess Dookie

    Can we destroy loot while it's on the ground?

    This is a very good strategy. I will start playing like this, no joke. In a way, even your group friends can benefit from this; nothing becomes ruined. Not sure how cruel this is either, but once I did kill someone, I ensured that I feasted on their body. I would eat and drink everything in their inventory. Vomiting was no way of stopping me lol
  24. Princess Dookie

    Which SDLC model do DayZ devs use?

    I would guess Scrum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(software_development)
  25. Princess Dookie

    Why don't our characters wear boots properly?

    Maybe it would be a good idea to have the TTSKO pants come with the bands that make it "look" like they are tucked. I still think that other pants should give you an option of tucking them in, however.