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Princess Dookie

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Everything posted by Princess Dookie

  1. Princess Dookie

    A real hero !

    You are my hero :)
  2. Princess Dookie

    breaking legs to grief

    I love the post, but I cannot agree. I think it is a "realistic" feature. All in all, as soon as more zombies are added, someone will come kill those crawlers.. unless they are in the woods by krasnostav, stuck up the rocks and cannot move ;)
  3. Princess Dookie

    Stuck under a building

    Same thing happened to me one time, except I had no-one to help me :/ Here was my suicide attempt : Drink and eat everything to get stuffed, and hopefully puke ... I got really energized.. lol Drink alcohol .. nothing happened.. I was like.. what? lol Scream ... I screamed for a good hour or two, until a survivor came.. He couldn't see me :/ I was pretty scared I'd have to live forever, until I found one trick : Keep running at the wall.. I wedged my car key under the a/d keys, and above the w key, and sprinted for a good 10 minutes. Eventually, I glitched through the wall lol I also had instances where I was walking at the wall, and equipped my weapon, and allowed myself to go through it. Try that next time too.
  4. sweet! thanks for the info!
  5. Princess Dookie

    For the guys with session lost / can't connect issues.

    It was my understanding that this issue only occurs when the server gets a bit filled up. When I join a server with less than ~10 players, I will not get kicked, while the rest joining after me, will. If I join a server with more than 12~, I will get kicked in a few mins. I will try that jumbo packet fix you mention, even though it is most likely not the true resolution. None the less, thanks for the info!
  6. Princess Dookie

    Not Enough Food

  7. Princess Dookie

    Not Enough Food

    Flashlights and lamps are a must at night! Had a backpack full of gas canisters at one point. :) Than I got shot!. :)
  8. Princess Dookie

    Am I a bandit or KOSer?

    Hmm. You def sound like a mix of several. Maybe you are bipolar? :)
  9. Princess Dookie

    Dayz Calendar?

    Might be tough to sell something that is not necessarily yours; the in-game artwork. Maybe make your own artwork, that symbolizes dayz? I'd be willing to buy that for my dayz friends. That would be cool.
  10. Princess Dookie

    Modding Dayz

  11. Princess Dookie

    Modding Dayz

    LoL :)
  12. Indeed. If we were able to crack the alogritham, surely, others have as well. Time to mix it up.
  13. Princess Dookie

    "New players" reaction to this patch is just like..

    Debatable. An old player knows not to run through electro like kid on crack, while a new player is simply like " o look, buildings... ".
  14. Princess Dookie

    Modding Dayz

    I cannot tell if you are an idiot, or a sadistic moron. wasting my time by replying to you. Go troll elsewhere.
  15. I have yet to see the "random" loot. I can walk into a city, and be able to tell you that the dark brick orange building is very likely to have a shotgun or a mosin, and food. The light orange one is very likely to have clothes / helmet, and food. The firestation is known for handcuffs, axes and pistols. The barracks are known for clothes, food, canteen, and guns. The hangers are known for attachments, guns, and ammo boxes. Piano houses are known for guns, food, and melee weapons. Schools are known for the same thing.. Essentially, the list continues. I have yet to see the randomness you talk about.
  16. Princess Dookie

    Modding Dayz

    I wish! I made a post about this a month or so ago, "API", to no avail. We have to wait until everything is ready. From what I have heard however, similar methods should be available from the Arma 2 API. && Out of curiosity, c++? Were you forced to play on those servers? No.. Will you be forced to play on the DayZ Standalone Mod servers ? No.. This is what you sound like : I went to subway today to get my favorite sandwich. The man infront of me ordered a different sub. I got really pïssed because he didn't get the same thing as me, even though it didn't affect me in any way.
  17. a ) Learn to handle more. I can easily take on 3/4 and not get hit once. Have you noticed that if you get a zombie, one behind another, that they will hit each other ? Have you also noticed that if you hit them in the chin, they drop like they were hit by "The ear biter"? :D b ) Yea, its called TEAMWORK. I have met over 20 people within the game so far, and play with them nearly every day. I can give you our ts info, and you are more than welcome to come play with us. & close to 400~ hrs. Maybe too much even. c ) To hide, since on majority of the buildings, the Z's cannot get up there. On top of some building you can find guns, morphine, etc. You really should consider exploring the map, learning what each building has to offer, etc.
  18. Princess Dookie

    "New players" reaction to this patch is just like..

    Debatable. New or old, everyone is different; pleasing the entire community is impossible. None the less, if they really are new, they will find it much harder to handle, especially if they do not know the controls, how the game works, where to go, etc.
  19. a ) put up your fists b ) run and seek help c ) get on top of a high building Use your imagination buddy.
  20. Princess Dookie


    Possibly when they fix the silencers, your call might be answered.
  21. Princess Dookie


    That same feeling you get when you take on a group of 4 other, decked out survivors, needs to apply to zombies. It would make me sweat a river, but I'm game. :) Might need a real deflib. unit on standby in my house.
  22. Princess Dookie


    lmfao i near pissed myself after reading your post. :D have some beans and tac bacon! ;)
  23. Princess Dookie

    The new update is amazing!

    I like that coat! :) Also, the new sound for opening sodas is much better. The old sound was a bit more realistic in my opinion, maybe because when I open cans it sounds like that, but the new sound id definitely more "comforting".
  24. Princess Dookie

    Zombie spawning

    You are starting to abuse that statement. Almost every post I go to, you copy and paste that. Can you just start providing a link in your signature? You are bloating up the posts for no reason.
  25. Princess Dookie

    Zombie spawning

    I think it is good to be honest. Your issue is because you are shooting, that is why you are attracting so many, Try using a melee weapon, or even better, be a man and "squad up".. Worrrrrlllddd starrr :)