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Everything posted by JohnDMarshall

  1. JohnDMarshall

    Ingame text unreadable

    Configure > Video > Rendering Resolution > ensure the setting here matches your monitor resolution. In brackets (100%).
  2. JohnDMarshall


    Try this link - > http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support/
  3. I wonder - what if someone were to kill you next time you re-spawned would that break the cycle ? You just need friend to join you and wait for you to join the server your on - you could try it I suppose and tell us the outcome of this experiment :D
  4. JohnDMarshall

    FPS @ 137 in Elecktro?

    Razer Game Booster: FPS: Displays your frames per second. You can assign where you would like the frames per second to appear on your display. With this feature you can benchmark your frame rate between any two points. Would that be showing 17 FPS with a 137 FPS peak at some point prior to this screen capture ( probably from the loading screen ) Check Benchmarking Hotkey in the Screen Cast section. I personally dont use tools to make my computer run better - I make it run as good as it can then play the game - all programs are disabled by default so they never sit in the background. The best way to get your PC to play nice is to make sure you dont have apps/programs running in the background - if it doesnt help you play the game then shutdown the program.
  5. JohnDMarshall

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    You my friend are not me. Why is the first word out of your mouth derogatory and assume I am lying - 466hrs now (Standalone) and I have never killed another player. Not everyone is a liar but you assume I am so please reconsider that there are people out here that tell the truth.
  6. JohnDMarshall

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    I have not killed anyone and i have 400+ hours to my name - died numerous times to KOS - I have never actually met anyone who is friendly so far. I never played the mod or arma and I knew from the start this was going to be PVP yet I didnt realise that the majority of people here are real nasty when it comes to helping others even on this forum you ask a simple question and you get KOS in the replies. Honestly the humanity among the replies I see is horrible and at some point this game will fold and all the nasty comments will be lost in the archives. As you can see from the replies in this thread no one wants to be friends. For new players who are struggling this is a very unfair community and they wont help you even if you just want 1 can of beans. The only suggestion is to do the right thing and hope one day these people who are KOS and just here to make your lives miserable will suffer computer failures and wont come back until their mummies buy them new computers. I came to the game because I saw the game as being a good place to meet people help each other and blah blah blah be nice but I have to agree with the OP that there are no nice geared people out there - killing fresh spawns is purely being a-holes and when admins get released from this current control situation we will be making servers for people to learn how to play so they can find enjoyment in the world the devs created but no one cares about. When most people are running scared or looking through the LRS at a fresh spawn they miss out on all the devs gave us like sunsets - real world stars - textures that to the designers are a labour of love etc. All their hard work is meaningless if people dont get the chance to see it other than the black screen 90% of the time. I am a PVE player I avoid contact with people as best I can - I carry a crossbow and an fire axe to kill zombies efficiently - I collect food and medical supplies which I drop near spawn points or make up food caches along the coast - I dont kill others for fun so my life is nice but a lonely existence which suits me fine thank you !
  7. JohnDMarshall

    DayZ keeps crashing

    This sounds like a video driver issue ( Nvidia ) - some video drivers dont work well with DayZ Standalone - you may want to check out older drivers if you have the latest one as the latest Nvidia drivers cause black screens and no video on some people's PCs. Not all PCs are the same so this is only a suggestion. I run 314.22 Nvidia drivers for my GTX 560 they work for me.
  8. Just so you know the server list is managed by Steam using an overlay. Time to look at Steam and 32bit overlays may help.
  9. JohnDMarshall


    https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam >>>>> 13hrs ago ---- Looks like we're all go for a rollout of 0.44 to stable tomorrow! Brian tell's me it's ready, changelog being written now. Check your steam for DayZ update -
  10. JohnDMarshall

    Friendlies in Stary?!

    I played for 8 hours on experimental and got KOS every time i met someone - meeting friendly players is rare for me - shot in back 3 times - mowed down by M4 about 5 times - hacked to death with axe twice - each and everyone of these people were geared up and I was not. The best gear I had was a 22 sporter rifle and no ammo. Why do people KOS 99.9% of the time and wont give undergeared players a chance ?
  11. JohnDMarshall

    Please help! Cant play the game!

    Toast123 - please tell us what Video Card you have ? I have had this same problem but I have an Nvidia Graphics card. My fix was to remove all video drivers from my PC and install drivers that are over 10 months old. If the old drivers work then you may have figured out that new drivers are not always the best to use. Everyone's PC is different and new drivers may not be good for some whereas a new driver may fix an issue for others. Please do try backdating your drivers and see if it solves the problem. EDIT: I forgot to mention my wife also had the same issue with new drivers while playing a different game entirely and rolling back to older drivers from the archives on the Nvidia website fixed her problem too.
  12. JohnDMarshall

    Ugly graphic even with Very High. How to fix?

    To save computer load some graphics have 2 levels - 1st level is very low quality and just gives you what you are seeing now for long distances - 2nd level is good quality and is what you see if you were standing next to the building. If you really have to see everything at good quality then you need to change some settings in your files. C:\Users\<yourcomputername>\Documents\DayZ\ is where to look. In there find the file called <yourcomputername>.DayZProfile ( please copy this and paste the copy into another folder for backup purposes - if all goes wrong you can copy it back and replace the file you edited ) Try changing the lines to these settings. sceneComplexity=150000; shadowZDistance=70; viewDistance=2500; preferredObjectViewDistance=2500; These are only suggestions and may not work for everyone. You may notice a loss of FPS.
  13. JohnDMarshall

    DayZ crashes upon startup

    A few things noted about DayZ I found awkward: Teamspeak overlay caused my DayZ to crash DayZ is DX9 32bit - no idea if thats a problem lol but worth a mention Nvidia video drivers have been noted to cause DayZ to crash. ( 314.22 is the only Nvidia driver that works for my situation )
  14. JohnDMarshall

    PC Freezes then requires hard shutdown

    You say it is not related to Drivers and in my experience and others you may find that it is. I ran into a similar situation where my computer would freeze up or black screen or just randomly shut down and it was all because of the video drivers.
  15. JohnDMarshall

    Snipers stand off

    Would you kindly explain where Rify is as it would help us to understand where the statue is in Rify, which town was where you stopped for water and which Airfield you mean. Thank you.
  16. JohnDMarshall

    Hello ; I have no Sound at ALL

    Problem with your post = you did not tell us if it was no sound ingame (which is what it seemed you meant) or no sound from your PC (which usually means broken speakers/headset or bad driver/failed hardware etc. You need to check to see what you installed ( software update ) because it may happen again - good luck :D
  17. JohnDMarshall


    There have been some issues with the Nvidia 335.23 - i would recommend rolling back or completly removing your current drivers and using drivers from last year - i use 314.22 as these work for me without problems. I have experienced black screens and times when the game looses video completly and i end up with sound and able to move but cannot see anything but my desktop - the game is still running but the drivers drop the video completly with 335.23.... My video card is a GTX 560
  18. JohnDMarshall

    Able to Join Only One Server

    Open the Change Server list button Choose server by clicking on it once ( 1 click ) At the bottom right of the screen you have the button saying CONNECT Click on that If you click PLAY at the start of your gaming it will always connect you to the last server you were on.
  19. JohnDMarshall

    Graphics Card Problem

    Heat build up due to position of the computer case will always be the main problem - a better video card will possibly have better cooling but where is that heat going to go - out the back of your PC and if its jammed in a corner then it wont dissipate. Imagine sitting in that corner yourself and think of how you would cool yourself if there was no fresh air moving around you. Suggestion - place the PC on a small table so it is raised off the floor - doesnt need to be much - this will allow more air to flow around the PC as I assume you cant move it out of the corner. Ensure that air enters and leaves the computer case in a tidy manner. Fan draws air in the front and a fan pushes the air out the back. If you cant provide a decent airflow into and out of your case then it wont matter what Video card you install it will always overheat and become a problem. Also you may want to consider cleaning all the fluff and dust out of the case at least once every 3 or 4 months. If you want to go that extra mile and cannot move the PC you could get some cheap Air Ducting and create its own personal ducted air system so it can get fresh air from another part of the room. Remember burying your PC under clothes or cramping it into a small corner of the room - you wouldn't shut a puppy in a small crate and expect it to be happy without fresh air and water - at least a PC doesnt need to drink water but it does need fresh cool air.
  20. JohnDMarshall

    DayZ Standalone Opens Up In a Clear Window

    The easiest way is to either delete or move your config files. You dont mention what Operationg System you are using so I will use Windows 7 as the basis for my response. Shut down DayZ and Steam completely. Open the Documents folder and find the DayZ folder within - inside you should find 3 files DayZ.cfg <yourname>.DayZProfile <yourname>.vars.DayZProfile Create a new folder inside the DayZ folder and call it Temp - now move the 3 files you see above into this new Temp folder. Doing this instead of deleting them will allow you more control if you want to reverse this action. Restart Steam and Play the game and you should be able to fix your configuration again. If you want to undo these changes - delete the new files created and drag your original files back out of the Temp folder. If you are happy with the new files you can instead delete the Temp folder and continue with the new files. I hope this is clear enough to follow. Of course editing the files to improve your game play is nice but not everyone is confident of doing this - remember always make copies of the original files and place them in a new folder so if mistakes are made you can copy the originals back and overwrite the faulty files. You may wish to obtain Notepad++ from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and use this for editing the dayz config files - this is a nice editor and generally does not cause issues when saving config files ( it does not change the format / syntax of the file structure except what you change yourself ).
  21. It would be nice if you could post the Nvidia Driver you are currently able to use - the one you rolled back to so others can see. Otherwise thank you for posting.
  22. JohnDMarshall


    I too was plagued by YOU ARE DEAD in the middle of nowhere and for no reason over a whole 2 weeks. This is my story and I did post this elsewhere but I shall repeat it here. The first 4 times this happened I was pretty frustrated but coming to terms with the inevitable loss of everything I had picked up was starting to creep in. One day while bemoaning my losses to my friends someone says that I just lost connection to Steam so I ALT+Tabbed out of the game and I find that although I was connected there was an error on my screen saying that my Gaming Mouse software had crashed. So after finding a VERY secluded spot far up North near to the edge of the playable map I logged off and prepared to go cook my evening meal. A quick look at the BBC news and suddenly my mouse stops tracking correctly, move the mouse and cursor does not move. If it did move it was only for a few inches across the screen. DEAD MOUSE approaching. Back to the store my Mad Catz RAT 7 Laser Gaming Mouse went and with a replacement in hand of a brand new Logitech G700s I went home. Un-installed the software for the Madcatz gaming mouse and launched DayZ SA. Since then I have not had one death to unknown circumstances. I can log out and log in and I dont get the message saying I am dead. I tested this for 5 days by being super ultra careful and only playing in areas where there were no players zeds or buildings. On the 6th day I am happy I have conquered the problem and so I go up to a construction yard and loot the roof it is at this point KARMA gets me and I lagged out to see myself Glitch through the wall and fall to my death below........ If you have the chance try a different mouse than the one you use but you may need to uninstall the software for it and use the default microsoft drivers. So for my problem it was a hardware+software issue. I am now at 10+ days alive. 253 hours game time - on average 8.5 hours a day running around Chernarus
  23. For awhile I was having a problem where I would log out and when I logged back on after awhile ( didnt matter how long I was offline ) I would see the message YOU ARE DEAD on my screen. At first I thought it was a bug in the game but it was not that at all, I read the forums and the feedback, then tried all the tricks people suggested but it was not a glitch or a bug as my default file was also being reset. Now it so happens on one of my moments after death that a friend noticed in game that I had logged off from Steam, yet I was still connected. So shutting the game down I decided to check everything on my steam was active, as I browsed the forums again suddenly my mouse stopped tracking and I received a message that my software had crashed. After a few agonising moments it came to be the point that indeed my MadCatz R.A.T. 7 Laser Gaming Mouse had indeed failed and so I borrowed my wifes mouse to continue - a basic wireless mouse from HP. The wireless mouse software installed yet I was still getting problems. I then uninstalled the RAT7 software and suddenly I could play again and since then I have not died for unknown reasons. May I suggest that if you die on a regular basis at login please do consider that your hardware may be contributing to this problem. Try a different mouse as a start even if its a basic dirt cheap mouse your kid sister uses. Then check to see if turning off any back ground programs such as old mouse software helps you stay alive through the log in phase. I can only relate that by uninstalling the SMART TECHNOLOGY software and detaching the mouse from my computer I have solved my problem. I replaced the MadCatz R.A.T. 7 Laser Gaming Mouse with a Logitech G700s Laser Wireless gaming mouse and so far I have been alive for over 5 days. During this time I have not been killed by any other player or by zombies however I did glitch off the top of a construction yard and fell to my death. Good luck to other people who have the YOU ARE DEAD when you log on. Please do try a different mouse and temporarily uninstall you current mouse software. You can always re-install the drivers/software for your gaming mouse if you dont find this to cure your problem.
  24. JohnDMarshall

    Fixed my join game you are dead situation

    You see this is the thing - unless you have this issue you wont know whats causing it - for me it was my mouse and software causing the problem. If you dont have a problem like this you will not be able to find a solution. I had a car that kept breaking down - I took it to 5 garages and none of them thought to check to see if there was anything wrong with the fuel filter. They all said it was an ignition problem and all wanted to charge me lotsa money to replace the whole thing. It was only by the fact that I had an old car that I considered the fuel filter fitted inside the fuel tank. Problem solved. This was my solution to a problem - it may help others and at least its worth trying to see if it might be the cause :)