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About finest

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. finest

    Server files?

    I know around 5 - 10 Provider in Germany they all wait for hosting dayz Standalone. The Problem is all Big hoster they already big the will be bigger and bigger But the little hoster they want to host dayz and would be bigger they cant. No Offizial announcement about Application. Thats Shit :/
  2. finest

    Server Provider

    More and more server Provider are setting up server ... but ... how is the way ... for this how can they setup server ...
  3. finest

    Server Provider

    Hello Guys, whats the way for Server Provider to get Serverfiles an selling Server ? i see Vilayer is always starting selling server. Any email i can send a application ? Thanks for all Answering me :) Regards Gamerzfactory.de
  4. Gamerzfactory.de ist ein Junges Unternehmen, welches sich auf Gamerserver, Voiceserver und Rootserver Hosting Spezialisiert hat. Wir von Gamerzfactory.de möchten beste Performance und Qualität zu fairen Preisen anbieten. Wir selber sind auch Gamer aus Leidenschaft, aus diesen Grund wissen wir auch was die Community für Ansprüche hat. Wir setzen nicht nur auf die neuste Hardware, sondern legen auch viel wert auf eine Optimale Anbindung an das Internet. Als Gamehosting Anbieter, bieten wir mit unseren ACP Interface für Rootserver ein einzigartiges System zum hosten von Gameservern, ohne große Programmierkenntnisse besitzen zu müssen. „Klick – Install and Play“ Unseren Kunden bieten bieten wir verschiedene Support möglickeiten an: Ticketsystem, Forum und Email. Wir bearbeiten alle Supportanfragen stets schnell und kompetent. Zum Start von Gamerzfactory.de haben wir auch eine Sonderaktion gestartet. -10% auf alle Gameserver auf die gesamte Laufzeit. Im Bereich Arma2 bieten wir folgende Maps/Mods: Chernarus, Epoch, BreakingPoint, Celle 1.9, Overwatch, Dayz+, Fallujah, Lingor Skaro, Namalsk, Oring, Ovaron, Panthera, vr Nemesis Takistan, Namalsk, Thirks, Utes, Dayz2017 und Platzhalter für eigene Mods. Startbefehl kann bearbeitet werden usw. Server Location: Frankfurt Code: GF-Startsale Produkte bei Gamerzfactory.de: Gameserver ab € 0,55 / Slot / Monat Voiceserver ab € 0,20 / Slot / Monat Rootserver ab € 49 / Monat So sind wir erreichbar: Homepage: http://gamerzfactory.de Forum: http://forum.gamerzfactory.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamerzfactory Support: [email protected] Angebote: [email protected] Mit freundlichen Grüßen
  5. You can use Our Start.bat they is in our Winrar archive :D i hope you guys will love this map :D
  6. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Pending Update 1.0.7 DayZ Oring v1.0.7 [uPDATE] Dayz HOTFIX [Changed] M107 (Removed) [Changed] CH47 WeaponTransport 20 AmmoTransport 60 [Changed] AlicePack WeaponTransport 2 Gear 20 [Changed] Hero Skin (GSG9) [LOOT] Skin_police1_DZ, Skin_police2_DZ, Skin_civilian2-5_DZ [NEW] Bunker Spawnen Loot (NEW) [NEW] All Buildings are now spawning Loot [Changed] Zombie Combat wurde auf 15 Sekunden gesetzt! [NEW Weapon] KPFS_KarS - KPFS_10Rnd_762x39_SKS - HelliCrash [NEW Weapon] KPFS_MG1 - KPFS_120Rnd_MG1 - HelliCrash [NEW Weapon] KPFS_P88 - 15Rnd_9x19_M9 - Residential/Civilian Loot [NEW Weapon] KPFS_PM63 - KPFS_25Rnd_pm - Military Loot [NEW Weapon] KPFS_MP5A3SD - 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD - HelliCrash [NEW Weapon] KPFS_P226 - kpfs_15Rnd_9x19 [FIXED] Bandit/Hero Skin change after +/- Humanity [FIXED] Choop Wood is now working [FIXED] Mapfixes by Bloodric
  7. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    launching options only @dayz_oring
  8. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Release 1.0.6 with Serverfiles Download Online http://oring.dayzforum.net Serverfiles Server back Online Communityserver: Dayz - Oring1 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (UTC-5) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [bliss Hive] Dayz - Oring2 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (24/7 Dayligth) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [Pownor Hive]
  9. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    We start NOW Server are Going ONLINE
  10. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Server list for Start Today in 5 Hours we START ! Dayz - Oring1 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (UTC-5) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [bliss Hive] Dayz - Oring2 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (24/7 Dayligth) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [Pownor Hive] Dayz - Oring3 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (24/7 Dayligth) Hosted by dayzforum.net [bliss Hive] Dayz - Oring4 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (UTC-5) Hosted by dayzforum.net [bliss Hive]
  11. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    http://Oring.dayzforum.net/ - German Homepage http://Oring.dayzforum.net/en/ - English Homepage Download will Released Today at 20o'clock (utC +1)
  12. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Release Date chanced on 2.2
  13. finest

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Thanks Skooma ... but he didnt save my youtube video and my ... png file :/
  14. Hallo Community, DayZOring 1.0.7 wird Released. Serverfiles wurden bereits an die Entwickler von Reality (Bliss) und Stapo (Lite Packet) weitergeben. Ihr könnt Oring jetzt schon über unsere Homepage. http://www.oring.dayzforum.net downloaden. Oder Ihr wartet bis es im Dayzcommander verfügbar ist. Die Server werden im laufe des Morgigen Nachmittags umgestellt. English: Hello Community, DayZOring 1.0.7 will be Released. Serverfiles are send to Reality (Bliss) and Stapo (Lite Packed). If you want to update by yourself you can do this on our Homepage. http://www.oring.dayzforum.net We Update our Offizial Server tomorrow around 15 O'clock (UTC+1) Changelogs: DayZ Oring v1.0.7 Communityserver: Dayz - Oring1 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (UTC-5) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [bliss Hive] Dayz - Oring2 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (24/7 Dayligth) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [Pownor Hive] Oring description: Oring is a Custom Map which was created for Arma 2. The map has a beautiful tropical Island setting which includes different vegetation zones and small neighbouring Island. The boat and helicopter gain increased relevance in Oring . You will find 4 Airfields ,Bunker, Canyons and many more features. The development Team has placed some special surprises in the map that you should not miss. We the Dev-Team hope that you like the map Oring and wish you many hours of fun playing it. Server Information: The development team will provide "official" Oring server for the community to play this beautiful map. Our server are white list protected . There will be planned Server-restarts to ensure that the performance is always at its best. The Administrators and Moderators will play actively on this servers. Server list for Start Today Dayz - Oring1 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (UTC-5) Hosted by dayzforum.net [Whitelisted] [Pownor Hive] Dayz - Oring2 (1.0.4/99202) (CH:ON|3D:ON) (24/7 Dayligth) Hosted by dayzforum.net [NONE- Whitelisted] [Pownor Hive] Development: The Team around Oring endeavors to expand and improve the Mod over Time. This includes new skins, new vehicles and other details. We would like to provide you with fresh new patches at regular intervals , so you do not feel bored on our servers. We hope for the support of the community to ensure the success of the mod . We look forward to the cooperation with the community and are eager to see how this Project develops. Features: Tropic Island 4 Airfields Bunkers Custom Weapons from team edited Vehicles from team edited Skins Custom Vehicle More Skins Custom Buildings
  15. finest

    Experimental test patch

    when we get a offizial realease ?!