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About hugostigliz

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  1. hugostigliz

    getting a lot of lag

    forgot to say pc spec i5 2500k @3.3ghz gtx 670 8gb ddr3 500gb hdd
  2. hugostigliz

    getting a lot of lag

    hi guys i seem to be getting alot of lag recently even with everything thing at the lowest settings i seem to be getting 18 and below and sometimes 30 or more what could this be thanks in advance
  3. hugostigliz

    any friendly servers with no hoppers

    what alternative is there im new to the whole thing
  4. any friendly servers with no hoppers sick of geting shot
  5. hugostigliz

    cant get onto any server

    any idea when it ill be up and running again
  6. hugostigliz

    cant get onto any server

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :( i just got a new gun lol!!!
  7. hugostigliz

    cant get onto any server

    hi i went to play day z standalone this morning and there are only 6-8 servers avalible and they are all testing one and i cant get into any is this and if so do i just have to wait