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Big L

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Everything posted by Big L

  1. Big L

    0.48 - things I've noticed so far

    biggest issue for me so far: invisible zombies! here you go...please don't hate on the quality..i know....potato and stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRGP0MdxQpI
  2. Big L

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    was able to join....seems to be another character wipe...first impression: invisible flash light and battery in my pants. <_<
  3. bolt quiver. just kidding...it was everywhere at that time...but where did it go? i haven't seen anny of these in months?
  4. Big L

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    sry for repost but could someone add this to the bugtracker please? it's been confirmed multiple times... i'm on mobile and can not add it atm
  5. Big L

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    <_< you guys still able to lean while crouched? (pressing q/e while crouched) this retard now always thinks he's supposed to stand up and then lean. >:( stay crouched ffs...and lean....like you always used to do! dammit. /rantover tried relogging, checked the keybindings...nada...niet....nuthin i can do about it. <_<
  6. hey mate....i would reccomend the screwdriver as melee weapon! there is no big animation when drawing (means you can draw it very fast), it's very easy to aim and 2 hits to the head max will kill every zombie.
  7. started playing on this exp build about 2 hours ago with a friend. then a server message "5 min until restart" popped up. my friend logged out 1 minute later, i stayed ingame until session lost. we logged back in as soon as the same server popped up again in the server browser, so we where amongst the first to join the restarted server. after getting back in the game we were able to walk around for 30 seconds then we both simultaneously experienced the odd your leg is in pain/your leg is broken/you are dead-death. is this a new feature?
  8. the thing you wrote last was in before, bautschi...having a lowered gun in your hands and pressing left mouse button made you raise the gun afai remember...just sayin...
  9. ^same freeze for me after joining. my character is in the utter north-west of the map. buildings (which i definitely looted yesterday) do not spawn loot now. well done <_<
  10. Big L

    the new PSO scope

    *bump* nobody else but me getting the bug described two posts above with the massive framedrops when aiming down sight through the PSO-scope while being out of breath? @ Gews: i just did a quick test shooting zombies over the runway at NWAF. it was a full server so i didn't dare to make an endless amount of shots. while it seemed pretty accurate to me and i was able to hit every shot i just wanted to share the estimation. if you found a way to actually calculate things your results may be more precise. btw...would you mind to describe how you managed to do that?
  11. Big L

    the new PSO scope

    streamer Ngotie tried to find the correct FOV slider position where the FOV matches the scope's markers: http://www.twitch.tv/ngotie/c/4429507 he came to the conclusion that the zeroing is correct when the FOV slider goes through the middle of the "e" of "Field". I tried that too and can confirm that this has worked for me too. Reason for me to post here is another one though: Does anyone experience the bug/problem with the PSO-scope when aiming down sight while being out of breath? Whenever I run until i'm out of breath, stop, instantly ADS with the PSOscope it feels like 2-3FPS at max. This means that I can't ADS the scope for about a minute whenever i ran out of breat because it's almost impossible to adjust my aim. This only happens with this scope, PU-scope and LRS work fine. It happens whereever I look and the problem disappears the moment i got my breathing back under control. Did not find it in the Bugtracker and wanted to check before posting it myself.
  12. Big L

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    @gibonez: hmkay....interesting...but weren't we talking about ingame stuff? or are you implying that hotcakes tried and experienced the bug IRL? :o well...nevermind.. i don't get it anyways....thread has become too complicated for my stupid brain. tbh i just wanted to share the video 'cause i hadn't seen something like it yet and thought it was something remarkable. :|
  13. Big L

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    hotcakes...i do not understand the whole comment you made....sry about that.. ;) ....but if you were questioning if its possible to use the M4 effectively at a distance over 400m --> take a look at this one: http://www.twitch.tv/break71/c/4416722 most insane M4 sniping i've seen so far. just sayin', mate...
  14. Big L

    Patch tomorrow ?

    am I the only one thinking that "session lost" may be related to loot respawning? whenever i get "session lost" seemingly every player near me (for example my friends in my squad) get booted off the server too. most times though when i check the server afterwards it wasn't a restart, since there are still half of the players on the server. friends in teamspeak (at the opposite side of the map at that moment) confirmed to me that they were still playing and did not "loose any session" after i get a "session lost" like this (me and nearby players kicked but not the whole server) i am able to find new loot whenever i spawn back in on that exact same server. rocket spoke about respawning loot system being broken down to quadrants of the map. hence my theory: whenever a quadrant reaches the timer to spawn new loot every player in this area is booted off the server, the rest of the players on other quadrants do not have any issues at the same time though. btw: i am not saying i am right...this was just the explanation which seemed most understandable to me. and sorry if this has been discussed before, i didn't read any of it and i don't have the time to read every post. any thoughts?
  15. Big L

    Why is there still a crosshair ?

    to prevent motion sickness. maybe. there are games which use a similar dot to prevent these effects. i don't suffer from it while gaming but i can notice a difference as well. hope they add an option to turn it off if wanted. http://www.polygon.com/2013/10/26/4862474/video-games-and-motion-sickness-dying-light-techland-fps
  16. sorry for OT guys but I simply have to give some :beans: to the sig above me! ah huh-huh-huh!
  17. - ...you are walking in the streets, hear a loud bang and immediately think: "Shots! Where? Mosin? SKS?" - ...while drinking or eating a message in your head pops up saying: "I feel stuffed" - ...you are afraid of taking stuff out your pockets and bags because the "server might suddenly restart". (+1 for ALTpressing in all other games)
  18. Big L

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    i once was killed by a cheater who had disguised himself as a ladder. instakilled me. true story! <_< apart from that...no hackers seen in roughly 150h.
  19. Big L

    DayZ is peaceful

  20. Big L

    Post your clever joke names for DayZ!

    Sir Vybor (see what i did there? B) ) first post....hey forum :rolleyes: :beans: :beans: :beans: