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Everything posted by f4stunter

  1. f4stunter

    Dayz black screen

    Mine has done this a few times sporadically. On mine though the monitor actually flashes and loses signal like the game modified the Monitor Refresh rate to an "out of range" state, ie 120hz, etc... I can actually alt-tab to windows and monitor comes back on, but when going back to the game it is solid black with sound. I am fairly certain it is a bug. I just end the game process and restart and usually all is well.
  2. f4stunter

    Noob Question about Voice/Speak

    To expand even more on tmbt's info, if you get friends in the game, you will want a private chat of some sort. You will only want to voice chat in in-game/public chat when coming accross another unknown player in the game. Basically to find out if they are friendly or not. For normal communication with a friend, you'll want to private chat using Ventrilo, teamspeak, Razer comms, etc... Just chatting up a storm in game with a friend you might be running with will give your location off to who ever might be waiting to take you out.
  3. f4stunter

    Ingame Map Language

    I like the realism and don't mind all the signs in the game being in Russian, but why in the world would a map you find laying around in Russia about Russia be translated to English? I ran around for 3 days trying to figure out how to match the ingame map up to what city/town I was coming into. Finally I had to google and find the dayzdb map that has both translations to find I was in Chernogorsk. You should not have to run an external link to somebody elses site to translate location. I believe the in-game Map city names should be in Russian to match the signs or there is no use in having one.
  4. f4stunter

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    I didn't see him say it had to happen right this instance. True but it would be awesome. Zombies could be feeding on dead horses. I think its a cool idea and would really add to realism, though like Statik stated it would require a lot of programming time.
  5. f4stunter

    Ingame Map Language

    It is not a tourist map but if it were, a tourist map would have both translations. It's poor design and most previous statements have been just a waste of time. This is supposed to be the suggestion's thread where we give input to help the developers create or change the game. If the game is meant to be one language, make it one language. Otherwise, fix the nuances that are poor design. Eitherway, having to rely on features external to the game, especially ones offered by someone or company other than the developing entities, is ridiculous and flawed. It is quite alright to offer those suggestions as a temporary workaround, but to accept that as the definitive is just wrong.