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Everything posted by thebomberman

  1. thebomberman

    Best recording software?

    DXTory with the Lagarith codec and VAC to split audio streams for me.
  2. I play Battlefield et. al. for this kind of thing. In DayZ I consider myself more to be competing with myself or the environment. At least I hope that's the road the game goes down rather than DM/TDM. Plus immersion loss, plus topic been done.
  3. It had been an interesting session - fratricide, pointless pig murder, people demanding we kill them... (felt bad about the pig though :() Anyway, Steve managed to die again, and on respawning made a friend - or not. Halfway across the map is a long way to run to grief someone with no reward... :D TLDW; Gunfire at around 8 minutes. Only four shots ;) But do watch it all :D
  4. thebomberman


    Yup. I'll always KOS if I see a clown mask, and I never KOS. I just don't play like that. But I've never met a good dude wearing a clown mask. Plus I hate clowns.
  5. thebomberman

    Back after a bit of a break

    ... and trying to play clever. Didn't turn out the best as usual :D Did learn (at around 6 minutes in the video) how to fix the really blurry graphics issue, so not all bad :D Got to say though, the game runs a lot better than a couple of months back!
  6. thebomberman

    Back after a bit of a break

    No way - constructive criticism! I have to admit I don't expect that here so cheers for that :) People round here tend to polarise toward Love/Hate with no room in between! Genuinely thanks for that, and I'll take your points on board. I have to admit I ummed and ahhed about posting the video here as it isn't the most exciting or my best, but I don't think there always needs to be awesome gunplay for a worthwhile video. Our experience of DayZ is much like the video - hours of nothing and seconds of terror! :D Most of my videos (please check out the more watched ones) are along these lines as I've always felt they provide an amusing counterpoint to the perceived DayZ player/action. Reading the forums and watching your average DayZ video you imagine most players to be ice cold, steely eyed assassins with years of military experience in the bush. Whereas we wander round like idiots, panic and usually die :D
  7. What really? :| No. It's from 'The Breakfast Club'
  8. thebomberman

    Dayz Not Working

    That's exactly where I was and then running Steam as admin fixed it. If you're set on a reinstall, try giving everyone full permissions (and ownership of) to your steam folder first and see what happens. Can't hurt.
  9. Moving on Balota airfield, taking our time... We'd heard shooting so were taking it very easy, just having a look see. Working well as a unit, and then wtf was I thinking... :D
  10. thebomberman

    Dayz Not Working

    Probably not this, but recently an update to one or more of the following Steam/DayZ/Windows 8.1 killed both my Arma3 and DayZ installs. Not the same symptom but worth a shot - run STEAM as admin and then the game from within steam. It fixed it for me after I'd uninstalled all my steam games :'(. I can only assume something altered the permissions. Hope it helps :)
  11. thebomberman

    Your worst moment

    This probably isn't far off it. Spent a good twenty minutes moving on an airfield. We'd heard shots so were taking it slow, scoping the area before moving. All going great, proper little squad we were :D Then for some reason, I went out ahead and decided to hide in a bush I'd already gone past in FULL VIEW of the ATC tower. I utterly deserved the whip crack followed by the black screen and the 'You are dead' message :D Still makes me cringe a bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3UY9yif3Vw if you're interested, but the story is pretty much in a nutshell above :D
  12. thebomberman

    DayZ Standalone- Steam: Preparing to launch

    Did you ever find a solution? I am having the EXACT same issue as of today - DayZ SA was fine when I last played (got about 60 hours in too). I've not played for a while, and probably wouldn't have noticed but (as was mentioned in the thread by accident earlier) my Arma 3 has also died with the EXACT same issue... :( It was fine on Friday, but there have been some updates to Windows 8.1 since. edit; Oh lol, fixed it. It seems that either a Steam update OR a windows update altered Steam's rights... I ran Steam as Admin from a desktop shortcut and it appears fine now. Well, DayZ runs. I can't check anything else as I deleted EVERYTHING :'( It doesn't make total sense as some stuff in Steam would still run, but it's a fix!
  13. OK mate you just keep on with the eloquent white knighting, and ignore any points anyone brings up that are contrary to your opinion :) Lets also ignore the fact that game companies can and do fail, games are shelved. But no - they know what they're doing :D I think some of the concern stems from the fact that all over the web there are examples of kickstarted and Alpha games being done very right. I'm involved in a few - Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, Shadowrun (done now) and others. Examples of games being built without the assets DayZ already has. Examples of games that are taking time, but in which you can actually see progress to a finished product. Examples of games in which you can feel confident the devs know what they're doing. In DayZ I see new items and such sure, but the basic game appears stagnant. It also doesn't help that a lot of the mods built on Arma3 engine are already in an equally/more advanced state... As I said a while back, I love the idea. I'm not a hater, I'm concerned. I think I have good reason. But that's not allowed eh? :D
  14. Doesn't mean they're doing it well or doing the right thing. And that post pretty much sums up my point about the trolls mostly existing on the Pro BI side of things...
  15. The majority of the queries in this thread are perfectly reasonable. It's the posters who disagree with the OP and other people who are concerned who are coming across as the trolls.
  16. ^^ Needs waaaaaay more beans. It's a ridiculous comparison.
  17. Really? I've got a pretty up to date PC (i7 and r9 280x) and I get like 20 FPS in cities at times, and it is NOT a pretty game right now. Movement is jerky and a bit random. Shooting and melee feel honestly pretty random. Those are the fundamentals and they aren't working very well at all in my opinion. But I let it go as I know it's in alpha state. However, unless the latest patch has done something awesome (not tried it yet I confess) I'm also starting to feel a bit concerned for the future as those fundamentals feel pretty much as they did when I started playing standalone. That said, I've certainly had £20s worth of entertainment out of it so far :) BF4 on the other hand, with the exception of the tick rate issue runs extremely well on my rig and looks absolutely incredible so I'm not sure that's a great comparison.
  18. The new Zombie situation is a step in the right direction certainly. Spawning in your LOS is rubbish though. Re/Spawning right by you is also rubbish (and no, I didn't use a firearm). In fact, I just don't like the spawning mechanic at all. If there are tons of Zombies, then there should be tons of Zombies. If not, then they shouldn't just appear. Major, major immersion breaker. The only other thing (except the obvious clipping) is the Zombies vision or whatever it is they trigger on. They can see for MILES! :D Which is actually kind of fine, unless they've just magically appeared half a kilometer behind me in the area I've just cleared out. I can't decide if I like or dislike their endurance yet though, I'll decide once the spawning issues are sorted.
  19. thebomberman

    Why no killer tag

    If you're referring to the hacker bit, then it's pointless as you can change in game name. That's (hacking) for Bohemia to fix anyway.
  20. thebomberman

    Why no killer tag

    So much this! ^ If you get the kill marker you know it's over. If you can't be sure then the tension remains and that's a HUGE part of DayZ for me. I'm not one to use the realism card (it's very much a game) but it would really ruin the feel of the game.
  21. thebomberman

    Friendly Fire Incident!

    People seem to take this game very, very seriously but I'm sure some will relate to this video :) After the horrific massacre of the fresh spawns (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180566-kos-hunting-fresh-spawn-gang-d/), me and my mate had as usual been killed. We're just not very good :D We'd managed to recover some of our gear and were attempting to regroup... Object lesson in good communications, and how high tension can somewhat raise your voice! :D
  22. thebomberman

    KOS hunting fresh spawn gang! :D

    Funny, more than deadly serious so take it as such please :D My friend and I had got some gear, so faced the usual DayZ question of what to do next. Being moral sorts, we decided to go to a high pop server and hunt down some spawnkiller/noob hunters. Turns out we weren't the only ones! :D Much kudos to the guys who came after me, love what you're doing but you picked the wrong guys! :D We're on your side! :D Oh yeah, as the description states, I had some sound issues (my bad) but decided the event was rare/funny enough to post it here anyway :)
  23. thebomberman

    KOS hunting fresh spawn gang! :D

    Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it :) Yeah... but the blood was running high by then! :D Plus I'd never actually shot anyone with a Moisin before, kind of had to be done :D
  24. thebomberman

    KOS hunting fresh spawn gang! :D

    Glad to see you all enjoying the video, cheers :) We never found him, and I'm pretty sure they didn't get him either. From what they were saying I think they thought I was that guy :D