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Everything posted by Maselko

  1. It all started in Svetlo.. I spawned and ran straight to the houses. Most of them were looted but I found a backpack, some food, a mosin and 20 rounds for it. After a few minutes of lurking around the town, I see two bandits holding a hostage. I quickly take one down, the other runs away. The hostage is thankful and proceeds to loot bandit's body. Few seconds later the other bandit comes back and kills the hostage. He also managed to break my legs and ruin all my clothes with stuff in them before I killed him. I crawl into nearby red building and after making sure it's safe, I log off Next day when I log back, almost immediately I see guy walking into my room. I tell him my legs are broken and he said he'd try to find some morphine. After some time he comes back with no results. Then some other guy charges in trying to pitchfork us. I take him down with a shot in the leg. It turns out he had morphine in the protector case in the pants. It was ruined... After him saving my life a few times from mad bambies and still not finding morphine he logs off. The server is pretty much empty by then so I log off too and hop on more populated one. I look out the window. I see two guys drinking from the well, they seemed nice. I greet them and tell my legs are broken. I'm greeted back with handcuffs... And then with execution for my (ruined) can of beans..
  2. Guys, don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at them. I know that was my mistake and i'm sharing the story.
  3. Maselko

    Broken legs in the ocean no respawn?

    It says you're dead, but you really arent. You have to wait for "normal" death to occur, for example by starvation. Just leave the game running on some server so you can starve to death.
  4. I feel ya, also trusted a random guy who was pretty cool, we looted half of the map and when I had to go afk he instantly hoed me
  5. Outside of airfields, bases, and Zelano, I have met only one person inland. Are there any other hotspots I don't know about? I don't want to go to the coast because it is a warzone.
  6. Maselko

    Alien on map?

    that gif scared me tho
  7. Maselko

    So Rocket is jumping ship? How... expected.

    You're like, i dunno, month late for that discussion?
  8. Maselko

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    Sawn off spread is a little insane, it happens
  9. Lil' story time So after getting all geared up at NWAF, I decided to roam around map for a bit and hunt bandits. Sadly I didn't encounter any bandit but unarmed/melee madmen who charged at me. After some time I was getting low on ammo so I decided to take a trip to NEAF and see upgraded Svetlo. In Solnichy (I think it was it) it began. I've met two guys. One had a sporter with no ammo. I dropped him some rounds but they glitched thru floor. I then asked if they wanted to join me, they did. We ran off east, sadly the unarmed guy got lost. We looted a town or two, I gave him pretty much everything we found. We arrived to Berezino and headed to construction site. As we entered, somebody shot at the guy. He said he was low on blood so I gave him saline bag. There we also found the lost guy who joined us. We went to office building and found B95. At the ground floor, I fought some zombies. Sadly, the lost guy ran into my axe and I killed him accidently. Then in piano house, I asked the guy that's left to guard me for a minute as I had to pee. The moment I stood up he quickly stabbed me few times with his hoe. Lesson learned. TL;DR after saving some guy's ass, helping him out and answering questions I get paid with hoe in the back.
  10. He wasn't his friend, it was a random guy. And it was accident, he saw it.
  11. Maselko

    10000 Posts

    -Hardcore > regular
  12. Is this that desync hotfix? I hope it is desync hotfix
  13. Construction site nerfed, any sweet spots?
  14. Seriously, firefights in hardcore are MUCH much better. In regular it's basically free wallhack for everyone. Especially in urban areas, if you are behind cover you automatically win as you can spot enemies but cannot be seen. This is really unfair, discuss?
  15. Maselko

    Farmer Clothing

    woah, they're so detailed. Good job
  16. Thanks for showing it mate, surely people will stop using it now.
  17. Maselko

    What is your favorite item and why?

    Mosin. Cause it kills.
  18. So I was looting Berezino hospital. I was walking up the stairs when I randomly broke my legs. I searched whole hospital, not a single piece of morphine. So I decided to server hop a little, cause glitch broke my legs. Now this is the part where it gets insane. I looted about 15 untouched hospitals, not a single morphine found. Am I really unlucky, missing some sweet spawning spot, it's bugged or something else? I really dont want to crawl all the way to other cities.