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About Coreeeyy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Coreeeyy

    Using long range scope as binoculars.

    I like this suggestion. I would like to see it implemented one day.
  2. Coreeeyy

    Operation/Repair Manuals

  3. Coreeeyy

    Operation/Repair Manuals

    Hello, I had a pretty interesting idea that would add a lot of realism to the game when vehicles and aircraft are put into the game. I was thinking there should be repair/operation manuals for fixing a car/aircraft or piloting a helicopter. In my opinion this would add a fun aspect to looking for items and bring more value to your character when you have learned these tools/professions. Also it would be more fun then everything rushing to vehicle/aircraft spawns on server resets. I would love some feed back from my fellow survivors on this so bring on the comments/criticism. Thank you, [TRiL] Coreeeyy