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onkel (DayZ)

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About onkel (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. onkel (DayZ)

    Melee Combat Mechanics

    Said it before: the game needs lock on mechanics. Every drunk idiot can still land a punch to the body in real life... not in this game. Instead wild clunky and shaky fists that fly everywhere. Also: add a option to grab someone from behind and choke or at least hold him.
  2. onkel (DayZ)

    This is how dumb punching is in this game.

    You know what? In my eyes hand to hand combat in this game is still to weak even. We need some kind of lock on aiming system while fighting with bare hands. Every mid forty casual family man can land some punches to the body in real life...even while the target is moving. Why not in this game? Plus: where is the Button to grab someone from behind and push them to the ground? (Of course with the counter if you see the attack coming) All this stutter shaky shimmy spastic reaching with those stiff hands is way to robotic
  3. onkel (DayZ)

    Well crap...

    How do you know the one raising the gun on his fresh spawn "buddy" wasnt about to kill the dude and just got interrupted by your shots? Just because he screams "bandit" doesnt mean hes not killing the bambi come next opportunity
  4. Somewhere in this thread there is a medic guy who said he trusted a dude with a gasmask on. I dont trust anybody who dresses like he thinks he is bad ass in this game...
  5. onkel (DayZ)

    GG to whoever killed me

    I really dont want to spoil you or something, but: stuff like that happens ALL THE TIME in this game. No, really dude.cool story tho
  6. onkel (DayZ)

    My DayZ SA Rant Review

    I will a game called beta and play it alpha even it 1.0 retail. Next time alpha it retailed beta. I swear to god
  7. onkel (DayZ)

    Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

    I once entered the ship and it just took off and flew away. With no regard for human life. True story.
  8. onkel (DayZ)

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    If a player dies: prevent him from respawning on the same server for 2 hours. Problem solved.
  9. onkel (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    what? Not?
  10. onkel (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    A vietnamese female sniper called the bitch is known by most to be the first to use a ghillie suit in combat. Did you know?
  11. onkel (DayZ)

    1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

    Did you guys know that all languages originate from a small folk called the .... in southcentral africa? That language is mostly characterized by a clicking sound. True Story.
  12. onkel (DayZ)

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Nice try kid. But i dont care about what you tell me.You are just words on a white screen to me
  13. onkel (DayZ)

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    See, you bit.
  14. onkel (DayZ)

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Its just a game.
  15. onkel (DayZ)

    Surprise gone wrong

    I dont even understand the thread as a whole