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Everything posted by kasper-bs@hotmail.com

  1. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Helicopter save?

    hey there :D me and my buddies have just finished repairing our helicopter and have been flying a little around. Now we want to quite for today, and save the helicopter, like when you save other vehicles :) But my friend can't seem to ''save'' it, is it possible to save it, or does it not need saving? and do you have to fix everything? (we haven't fixed the windows yet)
  2. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    dont try to hack kids

    moral of the story, don't hack, and don't say that you hacked on the forums
  3. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Fix the f****** graphic issues! FFS!

    you pay for these servers, well knowing it is in alpha stage, and there will be bugs. They are developing a mod, that is in alpha stage, that you for some reason feel entitled to playing. Rocket could easily demand money for this, but he doesn't. If you don't like it, then don't buy a server, other players and server owners are being patient while you are being an arsehole. everyone has problems with something, and there are a shit load of bugs, everyone knows that, that is even told to you in most forum posts. So unless you can fix it yourself; wait patiently, ask nicely how the progress is going, or leave. *fixed again*
  4. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Killed By.......

    personally i would like to see that, than i would also be able to see who to steer clear of
  5. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Uaz and Helicopter are not spawning on my server

    if you haven't found it, doesn't mean it's not there, and if someone has destroyed the chopper it won't spawn
  6. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    DayZ Hunger Games [EVENT]

    nope, the rules are: go to cherno to fight. Cherno is FAAAAR too small for stuff like this :/ You need bigger areas, otherwise you can see other people just about everywhere, wich kinda kills the point
  7. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Why are people playing this?

    Dude, it looks EXACTLY like the IGN and Gamespot videos, differance being that they played on other people accounts that were already played on, and they had probably played for multiple hours, days or weeks like the rest of us. This game/mod is not going to hold your hand and give you items for free or for not doing anything, read the forums, watch videos, and get the single idea out of your head that tells you that you deserve anything in the game, because you are going to die, and you are going to die A LOT. If you go to the frontpage and see the average life span of people, theres a reason it is that short.
  8. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Why are people playing this?

    let me make a quick plan for you here. Don't buy a game before researching. Don't buy a game SOLELY for the mod, you will be angry if you don't like the mod. read the controls, you get used to them. You DONT want to meet other players, they will most likely shoot you. You are not looking the right places for weapons, look in military places or in deer stands. You don't have a map by default, you need to find one. SNEAK by the zombies. Dude, if you didn't know how the game worked, then why did you buy it? this is an ALPHA mod, it's not a game in itself, and it will have TONS of bugs and problems.
  9. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Why no more news?

    I think they need to work a little, it can't all be fun and games
  10. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Friend and I can't play together?

    could be the same IP code, some use it to DDOS servers before, could be that was a way they fixed it.
  11. what if a quiver held 5+ bolts (as in you start it with 5 bolts but can pick up more) but fills three ammo spots, that way the retrieving makes sense while still filling up a lot of spot for having a silent weapon with retrievable ammo.
  12. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Will there be enough ammo once infinite ammo is gone?

    probably not, but oh well, time to learn how to conserve ammo again.
  13. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Better then SEX!

    so what you are suggesting is that he should let the game develop itself, but not go away from zombie survival like it is right now (which is basically hindering from developing itself) that you fear slow zombies, thus everyone must as well (even though slow zombies aren't scary in a game) that it is beta even though it's alpha. BTW: they are not Zombies, they are Zeds, the ''zombie'' you speak of is a dead come back to life rotting zombie, these are just infected people who kill and eat other people... much like a sort of mad cow disease, just for humans. besides, what is scary about a walking zombie that notices you because your careless, compared to a running zombie that notices you because you are careless. I'd say you attract a lot more attention with a running zombie than with a walking zombie, and they are actually dangerous. but hunger and thirst should take longer before they run out, and food and water should maybe be a little (a little) bit more scarce i like to see where you get your ''FACT'' numbers from though, sound pulled out the arse to me Yes everyone lieks to be rewarded, but this is not single player, you are not the hero of the story, you are 1 guy in hundreds of thousands, and you CAN find relatively good gear out in the wilderness, i found an AK plus mags at a shack in the middle of nowhere, that isn't FANTASTIC loot, but it is better than nothing, and better than what spawns there normally
  14. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Sniper spawn chances screwed?

    wait there are acutally SVD's? never seen one, but had my own of each of the other weapons, most rarely heard the M24 being picked up
  15. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    lags when looking into the distance

    what are your system specs?
  16. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Fishing in Arma 3 Dayz

    sounds okay, but lets see how hard it is to find and hunt animals first (or lets let the game be released at all first) to see if it should be that easy, I would suppose you could use normal beans and such as bait.
  17. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Blurry vision won't go

    sounds like a bug to me, and by the way, never take more than one of each when trying to fix stuff like that, that is just a waste.
  18. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Banning for alt f4 assholes

    there should be a 10 sek wait from when you hit abort and then disconnect so that you still exist in game. Of course this should not happen if you are banned or kicked.
  19. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Helicopter save?

    yes, we were all out of the Heli
  20. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Helicopter save?

    hey there :D me and my buddies have just finished repairing our helicopter and have been flying a little around. Now we want to quite for today, and save the helicopter, like when you save other vehicles :) But my friend can't seem to ''save'' it, is it possible to save it, or does it not need saving? and do you have to fix everything? (we haven't fixed the windows yet)
  21. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    The Reason more and more people don't enjoy DayZ

    I am pretty sure you didn't say friendly, I can't see your ''talk key'' being pushed at any time in the video.
  22. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    The Reason more and more people don't enjoy DayZ

    what? you expect them to say ''no sir i am not friendly, so now i am going to fire at you'' o.Q fuck no, the clean answer to you asking if they are friendly, is shooting you, if they had said no you would have just shot them yourself.
  23. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    DayZ New Helicopter Spawn Points. Write yours here!

    You either hacked or got a hacked heli from other people
  24. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Don't shoot! I'm friendly! -holds hands up-

    lol, just shoot them before they shoot you. new loot + problem solved
  25. kasper-bs@hotmail.com

    Why call this zombie survival?

    would put off new players, which would hurt the game/mod itself. This game/mod is hard, but it should not just throw away new players because it is impossible for newcomers.