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maximus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by maximus (DayZ)

  1. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    As I said when I spoke to you over steam, there was much discussion about changing server, someone may well spend ages looking for a boat, find one then we end up going to another server and they have wasted their time. Please do not make announcements without our say so. If someone found a boat then we would look at that server and mayby play there, so ya i think its fine for people to report any boats they find.
  2. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    The next main step in our plan is to move the post to the island. The island is the best place to have the post so tomorrow hopefully i can round up some people to look for boats and when we have 1 or 2 of those we can really get this thing off the ground The next main step in our plan is to move the post to the island. The island is the best place to have the post so tomorrow hopefully i can round up some people to look for boats and when we have 1 or 2 of those we can really get this thing off the ground ANNOUNCEMENT People of the post find us a boat pm me when you find one
  3. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I like this but let me make a few edits. Only 2 guards in 2 towers. Front right and back left. This covers most of what the guards need to see. I like the quartermaster idea and also the guard at the front who welcomes people and gives them the rules. The other guards are patrolling the camp and outside. Tower and patrollers switch off so they dont get bored. Also when we launch again tomorrow we need people who will just have shops set up. I want to organize everything into the tents. Medical supplies in one. ammo in another and so on. Also mercs get there own tents. They do not have to be employed by freeside but at the front gate they say that they are looking for work and the guard will direct them to the merc tent where they will wait for people to hire them or join with other mercs. Also i disagree with the fact that we should use direct chat and only use teamspeak whenm something is important because its hard to tell if someone is talking on ts or direct. Voice Direct should only be used if a guard is about to shoot or warning a person. The rest of the time every citizen should use direct chat text and the guards should use teamspeak. There needs to be less people in camp ideal number about 6 or 8 or else it gets too crowded. Thats inside camp there can be another 4 patrolling outside. Also the shots thing. Shots are not to be talked about unless someone says they are shooting at a hostile player or they are getting shot. We dont need to yell every time we hear shots that is how the zombies are being dealt with.
  4. There should be a server where different clans have territorys in the map. It would be like the game risk where clans could war or ally each other and they could take other clans lands or they could give some of their land to other clans. The clans would have to have a size minimum to have an official record in the server. Just an idea add on to it by posting reply.
  5. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside trading co.

    After the initial (however long) constant combat period. Most will get bored, the Traders will flourish and become stronger as a whole thanks to the constant combat and the lule in fighting. Allowing them to be heavily equiped. Once word spreads again that the Traders have worth while stuff the 'Bandit Clans' will come back. Only this time the Traders will be much harder to push around. The traders will win because once word gets out people will flock to the post. There is no existing trading post in all of dayz. We have all had that time when we need a car engine and we just cant find one. The trading post will be the answer. It will let people play the game better and it will succeed because it is needed.
  6. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    When we get this thing running im going to fix up a bus and bring people from around the coast cities to the camp. Probably charge some ammo or food to ride.
  7. maximus (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Steam Name: floatlikemax TS3 Name: maximus In-Game Name: max Forum Name (for ease of use): maximus Timezone US Eastern I would like to either be a guard or pilot.
  8. maximus (DayZ)

    Clan allies and war

    This thread will be used by clans for posting who is an ally with who and who is at war with who. The only people who can post the situations are leaders of the clans not members. Members can comment on the posts. Format is as follows: clan/Ally/other clan clan/War/other clan For example using two made up clans BHB/Ally/Chernogians BHB/War/Chernogians
  9. Me and a dew guys found a car in vishnoye that was totally broken. I usually play with three other guys but we met a fourth on teamspeak called igor and we all worked on the car. Igor then got another guy on callled evo and we all set to fixing the car. We fixed it and then we all adventured throughout the day. This is what happened. All the regulars got off and evo got off so it was just me and igor. I didnt like him very much because he always hogged the loot and the driver position. Were driving down the road and he decides to get out in the middle of the town and loot a building. Zombies aggro and he gets hit and I kill the zombies. He is now lying in the road way north east with me by the car. He is unconscious and he says bandage me. I go over to him and bandage him. Then he says give him an epi pen and morphine. I say sure and go into his pack and move his inventory into mine. He had bloodbags and allot of ammo. Then i get in the car and turn the engine on. Did you just get in the car he asks. I say ya im getting some painkillers for you. Then I floor it and drive until my heart stops racing. Of course later evo gets on and I go to pick him up and ask for a transfusion. He then shoots me in the back of the head saying thats for igor.
  10. maximus (DayZ)

    Looking for a decent Crew

    Id love to help you eliman. What is your steam I have an m24 sniper rifle and silenced m9. I usually play with 3 other guys and if you need help ill add you on steam.