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maximus (DayZ)

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About maximus (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. maximus (DayZ)


    So my brother logged onto his steam on my computer which logged me out and he played dayz. I forgot my password and the email that it was linked with so it basically deleted my steam account. Dayz still worked but when one of us got off and another got on we would log in with their stuff. Now if he is playing on a server i can play on another server but we cant get on the same server at the same time. I made a new steam account and bought combined operations again. We still have the same problem. How do i fix this?
  2. maximus (DayZ)

    Yellow Cab Dayz

    We will be running with 2 people in the car at one time so if we are shot at we will fight back. Also we will have many cars across servers so if one is taken we will have more. Also if we are attacked by a customer then they will be added to the blacklist and we wont serve them anymore.
  3. maximus (DayZ)

    Yellow Cab Dayz

    Yellow Cab Sevices We will be starting a taxi service throughout dayz. We will have multiple vehicles on different servers. We will have many drivers who will have access to private camps for guns, ammo, and vehicle parts. We will have set prices that will be based on how far the customer has to go. We will accept payment in many ways mostly medical supplies and ammo. TO GET STARTED Contact me on either this forum or my steam:floatlikemax Currently we are accepting drivers but you need to have your own vehicle for now. When we get larger we can accept drivers without vehicles and get them set up with a vehicle. We have a teamspeak but will only give it to you when you contact me. Also when you become a driver, you can give them the teamspeak so you can contact them. We will have a list of trusted drivers on here once we get larger.
  4. maximus (DayZ)

    Fight Night

    We should make an arena like in the gladiator bus video and then invite one member from each clan to fight in an axe tournament. we would have a bracket system and the winner would win prizes for his clan.
  5. maximus (DayZ)

    Need a ride

    I will be giving rides from the coast up to northern cities. Pm me or add me on steam if interested. My steam is floatlikemax I charge one medical item per person.
  6. maximus (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i added u on steam
  7. maximus (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yo i can help add me on steam floatlikemax
  8. maximus (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yo add me on steam i can help you floatlikemax
  9. maximus (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Two medics available to help for awhile. If you need help contact me on steam floatlikemax
  10. maximus (DayZ)

    Bus Service

    We will be operating on us2419 as a bus service. We will be picking people up for awhile down by the coast cities. We are bane and mathew
  11. maximus (DayZ)

    Chernarus Airforce

    Hi guys thanks for the support The deal with the choppers not hanging around too long will be hopefully fixed by each captain having to maintain his. Were going to really stress that they keep them in working order and functionall. Also we cant really do anything about the desyncs or glitches but we fix the cashes by having each pilot train in arma before they can take over as pilot.
  12. maximus (DayZ)

    Chernarus Airforce

    Chernarus Airforce I am looking to start an airforce. The force would consist of helicopters on many different servers across dayz. Each chopper would look like this: The captain is the leader of the crew. He is the primary pilot and he gives commands and plans flight missions. Next to the captain is the copilot who must be good with a map and also must be a good pilot in case of emergency. In the back there are the two door gunners. With them is a medic and the engineer. People can become a captain in two ways. They either are the one to donate the helicopter or they work through the ranks to become the captain of one. The crew answers to the captain and the captain to HQ. He also gets to name the chopper. We will basically function in our own seperate crews. When Hq has an event such as a raid or security then whatever crew is on the server that the event is operating on, will be the ones who are called in. The rest of the time the captain is free to do his own missions with his crew. There are two kinds of crews. One kind will be set up for member pick up and supply drop off. The other will be outfitted for fighting. Right now we are looking for helicopters so if you want to become a captain and donate a chopper then pm me and we will assign you a crew. We also need crew men so if you would like to become a crew member then pm me.
  13. well freeside i see that i have finally destroyed your operation. I hope that you start up again sometime cause it was fun fighting u guys Peace
  14. maximus (DayZ)

    Survivor Colony!

    Im sorry i crashed the chopper but it was epic
  15. maximus (DayZ)

    Disbanded faction.

    DayZ name (your name in-game): Bane Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): floatlikemax Country: usa Timezone: eastern Age:16 How long have you played ArmA II?: n/a How long have you played the DayZ mod?: around a month Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Yes i am a big fan of vehicles. Experience (1 paragraph or less): Ive played for awhile now. I had a teamspeak and I recruited some guys and played with them for awhile but then i took a break and stopped playing with them. DayZ version: latest What division do you want to take part in?: Any division that needs filled but preferrably engineer squad. Notes: