Hi Everyone, This is a little bit of advertising, but its for an extremely good cause. A friend of mine (Named ''Always'') has recently started a stream of himself and some friends playing DayZ. I know there are hundreds of streams out there, but i'd like to suggest that you check out this one as, #1 He is online for a large chunk of most dayz and evenings. #2 He's a layed back guy, enjoying the game and sharing his experience with a large group of 8/10 friends on most dayz and.. #3 MOST Importantly, he has agreed to donate any donations that he receives to the British Heart Foundation. So, Here's the link to his stream and i look forward to seeing all of you soon. If you don't fancy giving it a watch, then maybe just give him a follow so he can increase his popularity within the community and attract more viewers! http://www.twitch.tv/always_ontour Thanks to all, Elliot