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Everything posted by luzarius

  1. Are there populated Vanilla servers where you don't start with any weapons? I keep joining servers that give you all the gear already which defeats the purpose of exploring. I might as well just play battlefield lol.
  2. I heard the SA is just one big wall hack? Did they fix that? You walk around and someone snipes you from the end of the map?
  3. awww, boo hoo.. Was Dayz too hard for you? Did you cry and complain? Now as soon as you spawn in game all the servers give you weapons, gear, blood bags, booty bags, antibiotics, morphine, pace maker, grenades, flash bangs, ventricular assist devices, bible, floss, toothbrush, artificial heart, backup kidney, spare liver, tabasco, perrier, fresh clams and oysters and your choice of regular hydrated beans or refried.
  4. luzarius

    Help finding a DayZ vanilla server.

    I too want to join a vanilla Dayz server. I installed Play withSIX and all I can seem to join are servers that just give you all the loot already. How can I find vanilla Dayz servers with Play withSIX? Hmm, is vanilla dayz mod dead? SAD UPDATE.... Welp, looks like all the pussies from world of warcraft complained about Dayz and no starting weapons and now the game has been pussified beyond belief. Dayz = Carebeared. I can't believe you actually start with gear and a weapon now. *sigh*.
  5. Devs, forget features, just focus on stability & release date. If you really wanted you could get this game released in four weeks with proper project management. You need a project manager who knows that releasing a stable core is more important than a buggy core with lots of neat features. Whatever features you have now is good enough. Remember focus on the CORE, set a four week gameplan and that's it, DONE. GET IT DONE. Once the game is stable, released and generating revenue THEN add new features. At it's heart this game has what people want already, you don't need to add anything "extra" just to make the game better, instead just focus on fixing bugs, getting it stable and RELEASE THAT MUTHA FUCKA (lol).
  6. 1. Did they fix the long loading time after you die? 2. Can you choose your spawn point after you die? I remember it taking forever to team up with my friends again. I'm not expecting a million different spawn points, just major towns maybe so I can get back to my team within 15 minutes, is that okay? 3. Do they have dedicated servers? 4. Did they eliminate all the hackers or do people still cheat? Thanks! I really hope they fix the above issues. The above reasons are the only reason I stopped playing the mod version.
  7. Just remember that fun factor is important too, let's say you go to your buddies house and you're both playing Dayz. Should it always take 45 minutes just to meet up with your friend? Something to think about, i'm not sure what the solution is. if Dayz is only meant for hardcore gamers with 8 hours to spare then I guess that's the way it is?
  8. I see, so basically it's the same as before where you just keep dying until you respawn somewhere close to your friends? Is the level of cheating the same as it was 1 year ago or has it gotten better? Ok, I just read a lot of posts here on the forum. It seems the game is ready for "hardcore" players in its alpha state but for casual players it's not even close. I'm going to buy it but all my friends will wait until the game is released.
  9. By picking spawn points I mean being able to choose like 5 locations, not click right next to the player that killed me lol. COME ON MAN. If I die and it takes 45 minutes to run to my friend who survived that will kill the entire night of gaming with my friends. A lot of my friends only have 4-5 hours to play on the weekends so if it takes 1 hour just to run back to my buddy then the game isn't casual friendly TIMEWISE. If I could choose a spawn point and it only takes like 15 minutes to get back to my friend that would be optimal.