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Canned Bread

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About Canned Bread

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Canned Bread

    Zombie behaviour

    I'm not so sure about that. I'm sure after becoming a walking corpse, they wouldnt retain humanity and memories. But I agree on the certain nerfs and buffs. Fat Zombie: Slower Skinny Zombie: Bad eyesight Millitary Zombie: Armor buffs. I think they should be a little rare, like finding a TTsKO pants in a long barn. Remember the HL2 zombie? The parasite controlled the victim, the victim might still be concious but with uncontrollable movements. Perhaps the "virus" in the game could have some adaptations.
  2. Canned Bread

    Crafted Medicines

    Adds even more realism to the game, I would like to see this in the experimental branch. +1
  3. Canned Bread

    Your first kill

    You got lucky, when I went to the NEAF on a 1/20 server. I went in the first building and got popped.
  4. Canned Bread

    Your first kill

    Only time I had to kill someone was when they attacked me. Here I am minding my own buisness, and I see zombies attacking a player. So I tried to help him, smacking the zombie in the head and whatnot. He must have thought I was trying to kill him, so he started to throw blows at me too. So I responded by giving him a hit on the noggin.
  5. Canned Bread

    [SA] Tea bags and kettles

    I think it would a nice addition to see some tea in the later versions of Stand Alone. Here are some examples of tea. Bottled Tea: An already made bottle of Tea. 4 uses [ Water: 500 Energy: 150 ] Tea bags: Found in Household/Residental area. It must be made before consuming. It would be cool if you could find a box with multiple tea bags in them. [blue Diamond Tea Bags] Use for Tea Bags: The use for teabags is after it is changed into a liquid by a heat source [Fire]. You can fill it with an empty water bottle, or Canteen. Tea Kettles: Makin' tea with. Found in Household/Residental areas, not very common. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory impacts Tea bags: 1 space on the grid. Bottled Tea: 2 Spaces vertical on the grid. Tea Kettles: 4 spaces on the grid. Spread the feedback please! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russian Translation Я думаю, что это было бы хорошим дополнением к см. чаю в более поздних версиях одиноки. Вот несколько примеров из чая. Бутилированная чай: уже сделал бутылка чая. 4 использует [Вода: 500 Energy: 150] Чай в пакетиках: Найдено в дому / Жилой район. Это должно быть сделано перед употреблением. Было бы здорово, если бы вы могли найти коробку с несколькими чайными пакетиками в них. [Blue Diamond пакетиков] Используйте для пакетиков: Использование для чайных пакетиков является после его изменения в жидкость с помощью источника тепла [Огня]. Вы можете заполнить его с пустой бутылкой воды или столовой. Чайники: чай Makin 'с. Найдено в дому / жилые районы, не очень распространены. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- воздействие инвентаризации Чай в пакетиках: 1 место на стартовой решетке. Бутилированная чай: 2 Пространства вертикали на сетке. Чайники: 4 места на стартовой решетке. Распространение воздействия пожалуйста!