OK this is not a rant, this is a bigger problem than most of you realize. I cant go near buildings in populated servers because there is always some jackass waiting in a wall and shooting out of it. I looked it up and there are directions on Youtube on how to run and shoot through walls by cutting files from your texture folders, launching the game and then alt+tabbing out and then pasting the files back in. It is beyond despicable behavior, but extremely effective at ruining the game experience for everyone else. This is easily fixable with a simple file verification on game launch, I hope they are able to do this soon! I like playing on full servers, I like the player interaction that occurs when we run into others. The best encounters are the ones where we do not kill one another, crazy I know but very exciting. I have been murdered by hackers 2X a day for the last several. It is beginning to get out of hand. OK, here is the link for the non believers