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So Sexy

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Everything posted by So Sexy

  1. So Sexy


    Rats attqcking is a bit extreme imo, but we could eat them like in the metro games/books.
  2. Happens to everyone at some point.
  3. So Sexy

    Finding a Respirator..

    Would have never thought that there are people out there, who havent found those yet :O
  4. So Sexy

    Shooting while sprinting

    Only way I see this working, is when you charge an enemy in a narrow corridor with an assault rifle.Otherwise it would make no use in this game imo.
  5. So Sexy


    Never had any problems with zombie corpses...Anyways, kicking dead bodies is just wrong, and I dont see a situation where such feature would be needed, because as I said, never had such issue even in the mod.Your other ideas seemed pretty cool to me.
  6. We just need so callled "cultural centres", every town had at least one, it was a place that fulfilled the purpose of theatres, meetings were organized there, bigger ones had libraries etc etc.
  7. So Sexy

    Reset Hardcore Character

    You should be able to get out near the stairs, try vaulting there.
  8. So Sexy

    Metro Station

    We just need metro series to be brought to dayz ))
  9. So Sexy


    Kicking dead bodies lol? Oh right, ur just another stupid kid, who wasnt taught any values, and thus has no respect for anything, pathetic.
  10. These kids with no brains are starting to annoy me, come back in a year OP, and spare us from your useless whining, read for a change, when did people lose the ability to wait, and think?
  11. So Sexy


    I would see chainsaw fit only for construction, or pure fun, simply because its big and loud, wonder how will we be transporting it, since it would look more than weird when placed on back, like the axe, and it would take up too many inventory slots if placed in the backpack.
  12. So Sexy

    More coastal gun spawns?

    Not what I dont like, but things that take away the purpose, and realism from this game, eg current topic, sure lets add more gun spawns, lets make so that there is no need to scavange and move from the coast, as I said in my previous post, firearms are already too easy to get imo.This game shoud be realistic, and not just be fit suiting the desires of our unskilled part of the community.
  13. So Sexy

    More coastal gun spawns?

    No, simply because loot respawn is on the way, and adding new guns spawns will completely ruin the game, guns are already too easy to get imo...
  14. So Sexy

    Hardcore players

    I tried to be friendly.
  15. So Sexy

    Are the Zombies different as of today?

    Just a coinsidence.
  16. So Sexy

    Random starting gear...

    People would just suicide until they get the best starting gear possible.
  17. So Sexy

    Zombies in the next stable build....

    Zombies are nowhere near overpowered.
  18. So Sexy

    Items and what do they do?

    Being wet doesnt affect anything currently.All you need to know about the items is written in their description (right click > inspect ) Also I would suggest reading some steam guides, I think I saw one about items.
  19. So Sexy

    Remove disable shadow

    Well in case you didnt know, not all of us have top notch pc-s bought by our parents, and there is a big amount of players with older rigs, so the devs cant not think about a big portion of the community, and almost nobody plays on late time servers, so its still not an issue.
  20. So Sexy


    Ewww mentol, red marlboro ftw ;D
  21. So Sexy


    I had to pay just once when I got it.
  22. So Sexy

    Remove disable shadow

    Sometimes its better to shut up, since you are embarrassing yourself.
  23. So Sexy


    Bad troll is bad or just a silly person?
  24. So Sexy

    Remove disable shadow

    Yeah, and obviously these shadows, are such a ****ing important part of the game. And you shouldnt talk like that, there are people who play on slower pc-s for various reasons, and they shouldnt be denied the fun, as I said above, these shadows arent all that important imo.
  25. I can help you out, I did some acting when I was in the kintergarden.