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So Sexy

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Everything posted by So Sexy

  1. When was this added? Wasnt in the exp patch notes.
  2. So Sexy

    New idea for more civil behaviour

    Get the info, kill them later.
  3. So Sexy

    India forum spam.... wtf

    But you can punch the person who started it. Btw, anyone tried calling?
  4. And the point of this topic was?
  5. Either troll, or he means the FOV thingie.
  6. So Sexy

    India forum spam.... wtf

    Sometimes you want to punch people like this indian guy in the face again, again and again.
  7. So Sexy

    India forum spam.... wtf

    Waking up and first thing checking dayz forums must suck too ;D Oh wait, it does :(
  8. So Sexy

    Safety Switches

    Just lower the weapon, hitting fire button will just make you raise it/change the stance.
  9. They said they dont know how to make the silencer actually silence a weapon and removing it un-silence.
  10. So Sexy

    Just died randomly

    Never trust things that have stairs.
  11. So Sexy

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Got bored after 100.
  12. So Sexy


    I want a Hercule Poirot styled moustache!
  13. So Sexy

    Please add these!

    May the lord have mercy upon OP.
  14. My first thought, when I saw this topic was "if the OP is not Roy, then I will eat my hat" :D
  15. So Sexy

    Realistic Blood Transfusion

    Does anyone bloodbag anymore? I usually use saline, or am I doing something wrong?
  16. So Sexy

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    Feed me your tears OP.
  17. So Sexy

    DayZ Background Story

    Do some research before actually posting something, discussed tens of times already.Some sort of story will come, eventually.
  18. So Sexy

    Was it a mistake picking up a press vest?

    I would most certainly kill you, but not for the press vest, tactical vest ftw :D
  19. So Sexy

    What's considered the lowest of the low for you?

    Peeking around corners/over walls in third person.
  20. So Sexy


    Wait for new features come in, I think I wont be playing (much) until vehicles are in the game, dayz is not the only thing to do, read a book or smth.
  21. So Sexy

    Dear Developer-Team of DayZ

    Oh look guys, another random dude on the internet, thinking he is smarter than the dev team.