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So Sexy

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Everything posted by So Sexy

  1. So Sexy

    Where Am I ? (KOA*XO3)

    Its Kolhoz in english, there were no private farms in USSR. Everything was shared by everyone, at least thats how it was meant/supposed to be.
  2. On the other hand, I rented a server, I can do whatever I want.So all these server hosting rules are a bit unfair.And also arent they punishing themselves? Bad admins = no people on the server = no fun.
  3. So Sexy

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Everything should be left as it currently is, at least for as long as hardcore is around + you can always view your char by pressing tab, let people like frankie who peek above fences in 3rd person have their playground.
  4. So Sexy

    Very simple fix for Ghosting and Hopping

    Just no, simply because I dont want to log in, and not being able to control my char for 30 sec, you can be sure that all is clear when you log out, but you cant when you log in. And what if I lose my connection/server goes down when Im in the middle of a town? As I have previously stated, only private hives will save us from server hoppers and ghosters.
  5. So Sexy

    Different cities

    All confirmed, map designer promised a big variety of stuff within a year, if everything go as planned, also 2 big cities confirmed in the north, that will be as big as Cherno, if not bigger.
  6. So Sexy

    Loot !

    I have found TKSO clothes literally everywhere, especially pants.
  7. So Sexy

    Could please tell me someone where am I?

    Its a bit to the west of Svetlo, not even 1 km I think.
  8. So Sexy


    When Im a freshspawn I kill others just so I can make bandages out of their t-shirts.
  9. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Nooo! xD We were not punished for not making it in time or smth like that,but if we dropped a weapon part, we had to do 25 for every bounce it made off the floor.
  10. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Even if we were told that I forgot it, but yeah, the AK-4 sucks, its quite heave for an assault rifle, and cleaning it...lets say it could take whole day, depending on the mood of our officer :D because it is literally impossible to get it completely clean on the inside.
  11. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Almost forgot about you, in the army we were issued swedish AK-4 (not a kalashnikov), galil I personally was a machinegunner Mg-3, and also we have KSP-58 I think was the model name. But the Kalashnikov I shot back in Russia was AKM.
  12. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Im sorry if I was rude, but after going through mandatory service, I will not be questioned by people who dont even know how hard it is. Peace :D
  13. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Funny kid, let me guess, you are another "proud US marine" ?And why should I be panicked? :O You guys think you are so cool because you have read a lot of books and material on the internet, and maybe even held a pistol in your hand, nobody cares what model is the stock, which one would be the best in thory etc etc, you just need to know 2 things, how to aim and clean your rifle, the rest is bullshit.I would look at you after 11 months of digging trenches and crawling with a rifle, pathetic.
  14. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    No need to be so butthurt, ofc its garbage, that is why everyone uses it ))
  15. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Stop the bullshit please, it was 500m , so relax and dont even try telling me that its not truth, since I shot it with my own hands, hit ~10 out of 12.
  16. So Sexy

    Respect the Soldier that Wears a UN Helmet!

    Screw UN, pointless organization.
  17. So Sexy

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    LOL, AK trash, better than your M4 anyday, reliable and accurate up to 500m, at least it was in my hands during service, so no need to hate on a rifle, that you most likely never held in your hands, just because everyone loves it since its so damn good.
  18. So Sexy

    Fk man why

    Shhhh, calm down girl.
  19. So Sexy

    Fk man why

    1.I tried to make a joke, didnt turn out well, who cares.2.Small shits like you that act like god knows who, tend to piss their pants in RL. 3.I said whatever because I seriously dont care what you think.
  20. So Sexy

    Fk man why

    Oh those kids these days, srsly no need to be rude, I said how it is to another OP who made another complain thread.That is why internet sucks, every single piece of shit can talk how they want, but in RL they piss their pants, but w/e.
  21. So Sexy

    Looking For Allies!

    Just try to become friends with people who you meet in game, most lonely players will gladly become your friend, since playing dayz alone just sucks and is boring.
  22. So Sexy

    Fk man why

    Dude its an (guess what)
  23. So Sexy

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    2 primaries are just pointless imo, mosin, axe, revolver, what more do you need? Not to mention the fact that I would have to put my second primary on the ground each time I want to do something is just ugh.
  24. I cant see where it sais that zombies are the most important, and uh, maybe people bought the game just not because there are zombies, but maybe because of features like scavenging for food, realistic medical system etc etc, but you know what, have fun dealing with ur zombies while I do other stuff the game has to offer, everyone happy.