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So Sexy

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Everything posted by So Sexy

  1. So Sexy

    Holding off the trigger

    Always shoot the bustards while they are logging in ))
  2. So Sexy

    triple axe hit, bug or feature?

    Clearly its a new feature and not a bug...
  3. It will create ridiculous amounts of servers, where you spawn with the best gear...But at least PVP kids will be happy.
  4. So Sexy

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    The topic name reminded me of a condom commercial, just saying ;D
  5. So Sexy

    Finding somewhere called home

    No, its too soon.
  6. So Sexy


    Smoking ftw :D
  7. So Sexy

    What has the standalone become ?

    I thought this was meant to be a realistic game...But whatever, its a matter of preferences.
  8. So Sexy

    What has the standalone become ?

    its a sandbox, why should it hinder anything? You have the freedom to do anything.
  9. So Sexy

    What has the standalone become ?

    The decisions are made by players lol, you cant blame the game, its not forcing you to KOS.
  10. So Sexy

    Alien on map?

    I just want a bigfoot in the game :p
  11. So Sexy

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Well if I understood OP correctly, they were shot after saying that they are from Romania.
  12. So Sexy

    Ethnic Discriminations

    some people say it wasnt ethnic, why not?There are all sorts of people out there, I have shot people many times coze they were making fun of my accent...And germans, well theire germans, as any other nation.
  13. So Sexy

    dead bodies should be persistent world objects

    If the bodies stayed until server restart, there would be too many of them.
  14. So Sexy

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    Private hives and/or 1 char per server within a hive.Resetting spawn isnt the best option imo, imagine running with a friend and bam, server goes down, and you both spawn on opposite edges of the map.
  15. So Sexy

    WW2 Guns

    Lets have it your way...But only thanks to my bad memory, was into that stuff when I was 15, but I still believe into general idea of socialism.Damn you, now I will have to re-read the books. And talking about different iseologies, I have always felt disgust towards different flows, simply because they were created by people who cared more about their own power, than the people eg Trotsky who was a pure monster, and not even russian.
  16. So Sexy

    Where is Cherno?

    anyways, Russia has many different climate areas, so which part of Russia does it border? Btw, green sea...Yellow submarine, anyone? :D
  17. So Sexy

    Dual Wielding

    I want to remove grenade splints with my teeth...Goodbye teeth :(
  18. So Sexy

    Where is Cherno?

    Chernarus is far from Russia, far enaugh to have a different climate.
  19. So Sexy

    Fix the DCs - Or Disable the Spawn Timer!

    Come back in a year or so, lurk the forums if ur bored, like me ))
  20. So Sexy

    solution for server-hopping !

    1 real fix, private hives, no need to start inventing the wheel. P.S loot respawn inc soon.
  21. So Sexy

    WW2 Guns

    Its highly debatable, but its quite silly to think imo, that there was a communist state in south-eastern part of Europe, that was really indipendent from USSR, on the paper, perhaps.But as I said, its debatable.
  22. So Sexy

    I wonder

    I dont care that much tbh, since I will be playing on a private hive most likely, most people will.
  23. You cant really discuss the loot atm, since the rarity of items depends on others looting skills, ans it will start respawning soon enaugh. Hoe is useless imo.
  24. So Sexy

    [EU]Traiding: Got LRS, LF Acog

    "group" and "not interested in killing", lol whatever.
  25. So Sexy

    WW2 Guns

    Still part of the eastern block, de facto that region was part of the USSR.Some believe that Tito made Yugoslavia indipendent, but in reality it was still heavily influenced by Moscow and could be considered a satellite state like Poland and some others.