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Everything posted by GDRocKStaR

  1. GDRocKStaR

    the Map for newbs

    Try this one. It's more simplier.... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=dayz+map
  2. GDRocKStaR

    Custom Armbands for Team ID

    I honestly don't see that being helpful. Are you really going to be looking for a beauty mark or soul patch on someones face for ID purposes? More variety would be nice and I'm not knocking your idea. I just don't think it's practical in combat. More variety of clothing would go a long way to help. Also communicating with your squad is paramount as you must know where friendlies are located. It's actually one of the most exciting parts of the game to me... Semper Fi!
  3. GDRocKStaR

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    I was actually KOS'd this morning by a wall that failed to impede me from falling off the 2nd floor because a zombie was pushing me, which I could not see. It's a game, end of debate. Don't assume everyone has the same perception as you and you will live much longer in game.