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Everything posted by EvilTigerAce

  1. EvilTigerAce

    Could someone please explain this.

    Both different bugs. One is the 'taking a gun'-bug, the other one is the 'crouchslidething'-bug. Both funny but you don't see them when you are the one who is bugging. You can fix the 'taking a gun'-bug by re-equipping your weapon.
  2. EvilTigerAce

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Actually, the current food system is way too easy. You can survive by drinking sodas only and those are everywhere.
  3. @ North-West Airfield. No, I wasn't server hopping :P I walked up the stairs in the fire station aaaaaaand I broke my legs. No splint, no morphine, and, the only weapon I have, the P1 pistol, RUINED because it was in my pants. I normally never store valuable items in my pants but my backpack was full with useful items ^^. There is a small chance that someone shot me but I wasn't bleeding. I'm glad that I could use the ladder of the tower through the wall, then crawled to the ladder down and then slowly moved towards the forest. Where I am stuck now because I can't walk :D I LOVE THIS GAME! This is not a rage thread, I love how this game makes me a wounded deer instead of a hiker with a pistol and a mountain backpack crammed with food.
  4. EvilTigerAce

    Why am I dying suddenly?

    I think it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  5. I feel bad about this. We are on TeamSpeak, I am a fresh spawn (regular) and they are in the miltary base, pavlovo. They say that they see 2 persons who are geared. "I have a clear shot on them" "Shoot them". .. They had a sporter and some other shitty weapons, vs their AKs and mosin. They could have been friendly. :(
  6. EvilTigerAce

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    They are 15 and 16, I'm 17. :D
  7. EvilTigerAce

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    I asked them why they just shot them and not communicated with them. "You are not a bandit if you kill people on airstrips and miltary bases" Sigh. I don't think so. You are.
  8. EvilTigerAce

    What is it that makes the fps so bad? Engine? DX9?

    I only have 16 GB of Kingston HyperX Beast RAM :3
  9. EvilTigerAce

    Why...........(movement and avatar control)

    Jup. People don't realize this.
  10. EvilTigerAce

    Why...........(movement and avatar control)

    This. Why? I will explain. Any object that is not a visual object (so you cant shoot it, it wont register hits) asks every player if the player is hitting it, and the player asks the object if it hits it. Every destructable object needs much more memory. because it also has to ask other objects (so it won't fall/roll through other objects) too, and not only to the players. Yeah I fail at explaining, but this is why CS:GO has not netcode issues etc. because there are barely destructable objects, the objects are minimal, mainly structures and walls. I tried to keep it easy to read, but that makes it hard to read :P
  11. EvilTigerAce

    0.48 already in stable

  12. EvilTigerAce

    Where is the 0.48 changelog?

    People say it's out, but it's not on steam / the stable patch discussion.
  13. EvilTigerAce

    Fully automatic mosins!

    I heard them today. Glad I didn't get shot by 'em. Yeah, Berezino, what did you expect? Oh and I gót shot shortly after by a SKS.
  14. EvilTigerAce

    Motion blur?

    You can change rotation blur which is kind of motion blur. And no post-process is something different that's something like Antialiasing-Post. :3
  15. EvilTigerAce

    Knocked out by Invisible player

    Admins can't do such things. Admins barely have any tools. Hax.
  16. EvilTigerAce

    We will se cars in next experimental update?

    Sorry for trolling. But you should have known, lol :D
  17. EvilTigerAce

    Why is this a thing?

    That's true. (I live in The Netherlands, oh gosh, the rules are extremely strict about fire-arms but you can actually buy them in 'trunks of cars at parking lots' if you know what I mean, but- Why are bullets not scarce but mags are?
  18. EvilTigerAce

    We will se cars in next experimental update?

    ahumsigh, really, what do you think? No, with all the bugs and stuff, you want cars already? Pfff, we can be EXCITED if we had a BICYCLE. Which is possible, I guess. Maybe in two updates or so. I thought that they said that they are working on vehicles, so there is some hope.
  19. EvilTigerAce

    The Most Dangerous Game

    Ah so you are no real bandit then ^^ You have a good heart :thumbsup:
  20. EvilTigerAce

    We will se cars in next experimental update?

    Yes. A truck, two SUVs, an ATV, a tank, two helicoptes (attack and transport) and five civillian cars. ahumsigh, really, what do you think?
  21. EvilTigerAce

    The Most Dangerous Game

    No apologies needed. It was my fault. Lol.
  22. EvilTigerAce

    Insane stuttering in citys!

    Oh. I don't have real freezing but sometimes drops to ~15/20 fps.
  23. EvilTigerAce

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Laptop = NO. I'm not an expert on them anyway, lol.
  24. EvilTigerAce

    The Most Dangerous Game

    I misunderstood 'I decide to hop on my server'
  25. EvilTigerAce

    Insane stuttering in citys!

    I have a Gigabyte Radeon HD 7970 @ 3 GB -GPU, 16 GB Kingston HyperX Beast -RAM i5 4570 @ 3.2 GHz OC to 3.4 GHz Samsung 840 Pro Series -SSD And I have lag in cities.