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Everything posted by EvilTigerAce

  1. EvilTigerAce

    Crazy people in DayZ

    Ahaha I could hear that you are Dutch! Heuhj!
  2. haha "combat looting" hahahahaha
  3. EvilTigerAce

    DayZ Standalone Random Random Moments 2

    Ahahah the fight around 2:30 killed my hahaha :D
  4. EvilTigerAce

    where in cherno can i find weapons?

    Go to Elektro <3 There are 2 firestations in Elektro, a school, a hospital and a supermarket. And people with guns looking for other players to kill. :D
  5. EvilTigerAce


    Haha, "NO KOS" and "ONLY FRIENDLY" servers are swarming with bambies looking for loot getting shot by people with a brain understanding that there are lots of players with good lot.
  6. EvilTigerAce

    A Cat in DayZ

  7. Gameplay Look at the last clip if you are interested in friendly encounters!!! starting at 4:37
  8. EvilTigerAce

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    Everyone is regular looks around corners, indeed. So? ^^
  9. EvilTigerAce

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    :D :D :D
  10. EvilTigerAce

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    :) :) :)
  11. EvilTigerAce

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    I'm going to play Hardcore when I die the next time :)
  12. EvilTigerAce

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    About 75% more rare. You can find multiple shotguns and Mosin in one small city...
  13. I think I wouldn't even do that... Why not sneak up on him and scare him? Best way to see if someone is friendly. If they equip something, shoot them. If they run away or just look at you, probably 'friendly'.
  14. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

    We met them at elektro. We were al quite badly equipped, except for me (loooooooots of ammo / food), but clothes as a noob (hehe). We talked about bandits, a lot of other things. We started to trust them. We just waited for~10 minutes to see other people. We were camping on the top floor of a house facing the school. And then. They shot us. With a magnum. I can't believe this. I will never be friendly again. Never. This game made me a bandit forever. I will NEVER trust any fucktard in this game. A bullet in your head. That's what you can get from me. I even gave them a canteen and tuna. But it didn't matter. I died. Looking for a Mosin right now. :thumbsup: After 100h+ of this game, I met so many fake-friendly people that I'm officially a bandit right now. Being a hero isn't rewarding for me. Not anymore. I will bandit the bandits. They destroyed the gameplay for the bambies. Because the next time, if those bandits are dead, and respawned and begging for food, I will give them ammo, in their head. Because they will shoot me a few minutes later.
  15. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

    I never made a thread about this before. And I don't really mind that I die, I die sometimes, but not often actually, I try to play safe, but if I give people a canteen and tuna, and they still stay with me and shoot me after 10 MINUTES, yeah, then I'm a bit mad/sad that people do those things. :(
  16. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

    Lol. You don't get it. I wasn't even on a roof. I was on top floor. And there are multiple types of heroes. I'm not a guy who runs around looking for people to help. Elektro is a good place to help people: there are lots of bandits. And I know the whole map. I went to the NW Airfield about ten times, to the pavlovo militart base five times, the upper right airfield an amazing amount of times... I know how the map looks like, but I don't play this game to run away from people. That's boring. Playing in empty servers or just staying in the North. A lot of players are just in the vinicity of Elektro. :) And I've never shot/shoot random people. I always make sure that the people who I kill are people who kill random people <wow what a sentence. Oh and by the way, what I said about killing everyone, that ain't gonna happen, I have a heart right here :D i was a very little bit mad
  17. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

    To not die. You can't walk in the streets of Elektro with 40p. I usually do it to spot people (and in most cases they get shot) and then kill the guy who shot (the bambie in most cases) because the guy who shot him is often a bandit + heavy geared.
  18. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

    100h is short? Lol. But you have to understand that I never shoot fresh spawns or bambies. I will only shoot people who follow me, attack me or beg for stuff.
  19. EvilTigerAce

    Most friendly people ever

  20. I had a great day today. I had my whole hunting backpack filled with food / water. I had enough bullets to take down the whole hospital. But. I got killed by a glitcher. >:(
  21. So, my friend and I were enjoying DayZ a lot today. Played it for 4 hours straight (with a lunchbreak). We had EXACTLY the same clothes :D TTsKO pants, TTsKO jacket, rocket aviators, respirator, brown combat boots, yellow gloves and a blue beret (UN, we try to stay friendly B) ) So, after Elektro, Cherno, Balota and Pavlovo we went to the NW Airfield. Then, after a few buildings, we decided to camp in the police station (near the fire station) and wait for bandits to shot innocent bambies and then kill the bandits or help the bambies. We heard Mosin-fire after about a minute, and we decided to stay down. Our positions: I was standing in the cell, my friend was standing underneath the stairs, facing the entrance. There are NO windows there. After ~3 minutes, we got suppressed by M4 fire (coming out of nowhere), and my friend got unconsious. The entrance door was closed, I closed the cell door and went to my friend a few metres away. The hallway was clear, nobody spawned in our building. I tried to bandage my unconsious friend (he was bleeding) and while I was doing that I got hit by the M4 guy. The entrance was closed, upstairs was clear of enemies. Strange, isn't it? :( He was probably in a (for me unknown) glitch, or he shot us through the wall...