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Everything posted by EvilTigerAce

  1. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    Of course! This isn't a rage thread! I admit that > I < was wrong. It's not his fault that he shot me. It was my fault. I should have looked around me before crossing > I would have seen him > I would have shot him with my SKS if he had a weapon raised at me.
  2. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    Magnum. I know this game, I even watched the replay (fraps ;) ) and I saw that I simply overlooked him, I thought it was a zombie. He just fired three rounds in my back. I only survived the first two :(
  3. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    Yup :beans:
  4. EvilTigerAce

    Teaming up with a psycho

    AHAHAHAHA that ending :thumbsup:
  5. EvilTigerAce

    Rare night time encounter

    4:38 Airfield. 4 Armed guys. And what happened? :)
  6. EvilTigerAce

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    THIS :D :D :D :D :D :thumbsup: :beans:
  7. EvilTigerAce

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    -Flare gun -More pistols
  8. EvilTigerAce

    How many have you killed and why ?

    How many? Lol. A lot. - I shot them because I told them to stop and they tried to get away. - I shot them because they attacked me. - I attacked them because they were shooting fresh spawns or bambies. - I shot them in their face because they gave me 'the finger'...................... - I shoot them for fun or because they don't have anything, rarely - I shot them because they were camping inside a building trying to catch people.
  9. EvilTigerAce

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    ahum you probably logged out in a city or airstrip, someone killed your character that was sitting on the ground.
  10. EvilTigerAce

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Yup! I love to kill KoS-ers huehuehue :lol:
  11. EvilTigerAce

    A letter to the dead guy

  12. EvilTigerAce

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    I just encountered a bandit! ~10 minutes ago He was camping on the school @ proximity of Berezino (40 players, Hardcore) He tried to shoot me when I carefully walked to the school, I ran away, I came back, he was standing on the roof, a few bullets let him flee inside the school. I didn't use the stairs, I took the ladder. After a few minutes we walked the stairs up - down at the same time, but we failed to kill each other. I went back to the roof and took the ladder down :thumbsup: I walked up the stairs, ran into the hallway and he was standing in the room (right handed to the stairs, 1st floor) and I passed the doorway. He tried to kill me but he missed me because I continued walking. I aimed at the doorway (while I was standing in the hallway) and I said: "You are trapped now, huh?" :P He said nothing. I walked (slowly) to the doorway. Then I saw him. He saw me. We both fired, both missed. I had equipped my sawed-off shotgun, he had his mosin equipped (I tried to hit him with my SKS earlier, I also had a Magnum). He tried to leave the room after his first shot, but I killed him with my shotgun. I thought I'd missed him so I took the stairs down, reloading, and running back. He was dead. ;) I have recorded this whole story with Fraps, it will be online this week. :D I was stunned that I killed him. Taking so much risk... It was awesome! :)
  13. Game is good. But we need to get rid of the hackers. It's too easy to pass by the anti-cheat.
  14. EvilTigerAce

    bambi killing...

  15. EvilTigerAce

    Control questions

    It's not a bug, it's disabled for an unknown reason.
  16. EvilTigerAce

    A sniping guide for new players

    I read the book "Sniper on the Eastern Front", and what I've learned from the book (Austrian (german) sniper veteran tells his story)): Always make sure you can withdraw. So for DayZ this means: don't camp in a house with only one door behind you. Never fire multiple shots from the same position. Camouflage is very important. Having enough supplies (food, water and ammo) is very important. Good marksman don't shoot enemies instantly. Especially groups. They observe them, locate the most important target, such as a fully equipped player or a group leader. Kill the most important person, then injure the others. Shooting at their body instead of their head lets you fire shots more quickly (less time needed for aiming). Losing your leader often leads to a lowering of morale. The best distance is actually 200-300 meters, 600 is way too far, you won't be able to get the persons gear, and more importantly, there is much higher chance of failure. Forests are very good places to hide, but high towers or buildings can be useful too if you have someone covering your back.
  17. EvilTigerAce

    A Typical SKS story

    You were using a badly damaged scope? ;)
  18. EvilTigerAce

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    Run straight to a group of bandits with the pin pulled ah I gotta love that
  19. EvilTigerAce

    Nowhere to go when up north.

    You'll die eventually :D
  20. EvilTigerAce

    Log in/out location "ban"

    Banning is a bad idea. Teleporting the player outside of cities/airstrips/etc is a good idea though. I just spawned at an airfield after not playing for a while (about 5 players in the server...........) and when I spawned, a guy with a magnum was looting the place where I spawned, he heard me 'reloading', the sound you always hear when someone spawns with a loaded gun in his inventory, so he shot me before I could decently move :(
  21. EvilTigerAce

    The spawns

    Make them around the whole coast, not only Solnichy (or whatever), because that spawn is very annoying (long walking).
  22. EvilTigerAce

    The spawns

    But why did they choose Elektro - Berezino? In most cases, if you are playing in full servers, bandits are camping on both sides, so you can't get out safely.. Secondly, all new players will head to Elektro and then die :(
  23. EvilTigerAce

    Add grocery bags

  24. EvilTigerAce

    The Soviet Connection.

    Russian weapons: SURE. Russian vehicles: Oh YEAH. Russian clothing: Okay!!!!!!!!!! :D