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Everything posted by EvilTigerAce

  1. EvilTigerAce

    Post your character! :D

    I can't seem to show screenshots (without link to it), it says 'extension not allowed', I tried jpeg, bmp, png, etc...
  2. EvilTigerAce

    Post your character! :D

    I'm friendly! I actually have this M4 from someone else.. I killed him.. He server-hopped in a building where I was (police station berezino) and I shot him with my Mosin.
  3. EvilTigerAce

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Desktop or laptop? => Destkop Monitor resolution: 1920x1080 60Hz CPU: Intel i5 4570 @ 3.2 GHz, OC to 3.4 GHz Graphics card: Radeon 7970 3 GB VRAM RAM: 16 GB Kingston HyperX Beast SSD? (Yes/No) Yes :D Which settings? 50 fps at least.
  4. EvilTigerAce

    Range of sight

    I'm running at very high settings and I don't have this problem.
  5. EvilTigerAce

    Balota Revenge! - A lot of action in this clip.

    I think some of them weren't friends of each other, there are a lot of lone wolves around Balota. Nice job though! ORANJE BOVEN!
  6. EvilTigerAce

    Machinima in Standalone

    Hmm... Interesting! :)
  7. EvilTigerAce

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    Same here, running on relatively low settings with i5 (3.4 GHz), Radeon 7970 (!) and 16 GB (!) RAM.............
  8. EvilTigerAce

    Gear for Laughs

    Wife: Okay, today's Friday. Where's your pay envelope? Man: I already spent all my pay. I bought something for the house. Wife: What? What could you buy for the house that cost $560? Man: Eight rounds of drinks.
  9. EvilTigerAce

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    It's hard to be a hero, indeed. You'll die some day. So? I like helping people out, even armed people, example, watch at 4:40. We always try to help people. We don't KoS. I do shoot people. Often at airfields and airstrips. Because they are running around with a gun without hesitating shooting people. I kill those people, indeed. But we rarely kill unarmed, friendly or people in need for medical attention. But, we often steal their ammo (especially m4 ammo).
  10. EvilTigerAce


    I never look for loot in these buildings too either. But there are more buildings where no loot spawns. B)
  11. EvilTigerAce

    Things that happen on a daily basis

    If that was you: You fired about 300 rounds at me whilst I was sitting in the tower, and after that you were running / walking around the tower for minutes, so I decided to just kill you. :D (If I remember correctly..) Oh and I'm sure that I said something like 'oh fucking idiot, idiots always die' :P
  12. EvilTigerAce

    Things that happen on a daily basis

    Hahahah yeah, lol, I didn't realize that, ahahaha, what a fail... :huh: :o
  13. EvilTigerAce

    Things that happen on a daily basis

  14. I prefer 1st person, 3rd person = headglitching/looking through walls a lot
  15. He killed me at the NW-Airfield in a HC-server with approx. 5 players total. I was fully geared and not paying attention to my surroundings, he shot me with a magnum at the middle of the airstrip when I was crossing it. Well done. You suprised me. :) Next time, you can also just say 'hello', I never KoS.
  16. EvilTigerAce

    Overtaking Survivors from behind - DayZ SA Video, German

    Hm, bandit, but it's an airstrip, so who cares? Nice kill at the ending!
  17. EvilTigerAce

    KoS's Updated KOS Reduction Topic for DayZ SA

    I had to read this twice to understand it :rolleyes: But it's a very good idea, :thumbsup: :beans:
  18. EvilTigerAce

    FNX45 Mag not going on FNX45

    It's not a bug, I guess? When you are loading a magazine in a pistol, and then pull the slide back, it loads a bullet in the chamber. You can't have 2 bullets in the chamber, right? ;)
  19. EvilTigerAce

    Missing gun: Found :)

    Oh damn, that was me. I always equip two 'primary guns', and when I logged out, I pressed F3 to sit down already, then I disconnected. That was stupid, because when you press F3 it will drop your gun, and if you just disconnect it wil actually store it in your inventory (so you can actually have a mosin and a m4!)
  20. EvilTigerAce

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    People think I'm a hero, but after getting shot so many times, I decided to shoot people more often. I never KoS, but I don't mind killing people when they are running around with a M4 in their hands.
  21. EvilTigerAce

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I never look in dark wooden houses There just spawns NO loot :thumbsup:
  22. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    Not at that moment, nope.
  23. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    I had collected a lot of m4 attachments aswell B)
  24. EvilTigerAce

    Someone is very happy right now

    Lol. Yeah I passed you. hahahaha did you like my ammo? I hope that you checked my protector's case, it was filled with mosin ammo