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About patmaster

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  1. patmaster

    About BattleEye and evil intentions

    That's exactly what I'm doing...uninstalled it yesterday. I just wish this wouldn't be necessary and a simple change in the EULA is all I'm really asking for.
  2. Since the other thread was locked for imho no good reason I have to open this one to address BEdev-Sables post. It sucks that i have to open a thread for this but the other one was locked without a proper discussion - at least imho. I hope you understand I don't mean to spam, I just have these few things that I think people should think about. I also want to apologize for the first post - i was kinda pissed at the time so I hope you can read this post without any hard feelings. So here's the post I'd like to address: 1) That may be, but just because people don't usually read it doesn't make it right to claim the rights todo whatever you want on my pc. It is actually against the law (at least it was about 2 years ago when EAs Origin hit the market with a shitstorm and an expert analysed their EULA) where I live to make suprising demands or disadvantage people in EULAs because the law recognizes that most people don't read them. I'd call an anticheat software scanning my entire PC and claiming the right to send whatever it finds "home" pretty suprising. It doesn't matter that this is common practice (which I'm very unsure if it really is since VAC claims to have stopped this kind of behaviour after a massive outrage). 2) Forget the semantics. Whatever it is or isn't - there is no question that it's potentially violating peoples privacy or at least claiming the right todo so. Why claim the right todo so if you have no intention of doing it ? From the EULA: "-BattlelEye may scan the entire memory and any game-relates and system-related files and folders on harddisk and report results to the connected game server for the sole pupose of detecting cheats." In a post on battleeye.com you address this: "Our EULA clearly states that as well. However, it's true that BE can, from time to time, upload executable code (mainly .dll and .exe files) that has been flagged by certain hack-identifying scans to the BE master server for further analysis." Then why not make the EULA more specific and say that you only upload executables and not documents, pictures or whatever. The less grey area a EULA has the better it is from a customer perpective and since you have no evil intentions why not be abundantly clear about this ? I'm aware that the next paragraph in the EULA states that no passwords and documents are uploaded but clarifying that you only upload executables is a lot more trustworthy than saying we upload all kinds of stuff and then providing 2 exceptions that you aren't uploading - wouldn't you agree ? You also state that no private data are uploaded but never clarify what private means. I'm a devloper. If I have an executable of my new programm lying around and ou find it - is it private ? Or will it be uploaded because it's for some reason suspicios ? 3) I didn't even know that some AVs were having false positives with BE currently so I'm not going to address that. I'd also like to say that I never wanted to suggest that BE has evil intentions. Unfortunately you don't need to have evil intentions to become the source of evil. If someone breaks into your servers and exploits the auto-update function of BE to exceute malicous code it won't have been your intentions that have lead to many peoples serious concerns but it will still be a terrible situation.
  3. So I just stumbled upon this https://imgur.com/s8Krx5c So one of the shadiest pieces of software ever is now reserving the right to scan my entire computer just to catch cheaters ? Are you kidding me ? This makes BE basically a rootkit. Am I the only one who finds this absolutely unacceptable ? Instead of fixing their goddamn engine they rather trust some thirdparty who has been breached before with all of our data ? Just when this game was starting to get good I now have to stop playing.
  4. patmaster

    This is crazy! KoS my ass

    I don't know about you guys but I did not believe what I was seeing in this video. So many random people...incredible. KoS can go suck it :P btw. blackouts diary is pretty great in general !
  5. patmaster

    DayZ without Steam ?

    Bugs and such are not the problem with steam and origin for me. If I buy a game I like to own it und not merely buy the right to play the game. If you buy a game on steam or origin you don't own it. You can't sell it, you can't even give it to someone as a gift (maybe possible by now in steam) and if your account get's overtaken or locked you loose all of your games. I hate that. But of course there's also the technical aspect. If valve / ea servers are overloaded you can't play properly which is absolut nonsene since the game shouldn't need the client to run. Yes I could. Plenty of torrents and cracked servers. However I would like to pay for the game but I don't want Steam to be forced on me. Anyway...thx for your answers.
  6. patmaster

    DayZ without Steam ?

    Hi, Will it be possible, at some point to play DayZ standalone without Steam ? I just hate Clients like Steam and Origin so this is really all that's keeping me from playing DayZ right now.