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Everything posted by maverickfftytwo
payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz
maverickfftytwo replied to gannon46's topic in General Discussion
You've got your MOA math mixed up, no biggie though(since you clearly understand how ridiculous his claim is), I'm going to explain it for the class.1 m is equivalent to 1.0936 yards. 1 MOA = ~1" @ 100 yards, ~2" @ 200 yards, ect. So, 650m is roughly 711 yards. So lets just round to 700 yards. At 700 yards, that means 1 MOA is 7". 3/10th's of 7 inches is 0.91", or just shy of 15/16's inches. For shits and giggles lets just say it's a 1 inch group @ 700 yards. Now the fun part... So if we follow the math... Your group, as you say, is "one hole", and in a previous post you said "I have an SGL-21 AK variant in 7.62 x 39 mm". So lets go over what "7.62x39mm" means first. 7.62 is referring to the bullet's caliber, or diameter. The 39 is referring to the length of the case. "mm" is the unit these dimensions are being measured in. So in this example your bullet is 7.62mm in diameter and has a case 39mm long. Now the interesting thing, Russian "7.62x39mm or 7.62x54R" and NATO "7.62x51mm" are NOT the same diameter bullets, as their names might imply. The NATO cartridge uses a .308 caliber bullet, and the Russian cartridge uses a .311 caliber bullet. If you want to know more about this go on wikipedia and read about it. I may be slightly inaccurate here but I'm going from memory and trying to summarize this. So, we know that your bullets are .311" in diameter. We also know that 0.3 MOA@700 yards is .91". So if you were able to place the bullets precisely in the exact same spot, your hole would be less than 0.3 MOA@700 yards. Obviously this would be extremely difficult. However, the only way for your group to be "one hole" and also 0.3MOA@700 yards is if each bullet hit exactly right next to each other, like this, "OOO". You're talking about a deviation of 3/10th's of an inch over the span of 700 yards, on a intermediate cartridge. You may very well know physics, but I know something called Statistics, and the probability of you shooting that group, at that range, with that cartridge, in that gun, with those sights is so improbable it might as well be considered impossible. All of the variables of ballistics are working against you. Powder charge in the cartridge. Seating depth of the bullet in the case. Wind. Humidity. Human factor. Those are just a few. I'm sure guys who shoot long range competitively could add many more variables to that list. Last but not least... In life, I've found that the people who have the most to prove, speak the most. Those who have nothing left to prove, just enjoy life. You've got to be the only hospital owning, spinal surgeon, lottery winner, ex-military, elite marksman I've ever seen post on the internet about being those things.Or, you could be a poser. Again, I'm going back to that Statistics thing. -
payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz
maverickfftytwo replied to gannon46's topic in General Discussion
So much fail in this thread :rolleyes: You guys can argue BS myths about each gun all you want, I don't really care, I just hope that if the development team wants the guns to be a accurate representation of their real life counter parts they hire someone with the appropriate experience to consult them. Until then, I suggest to them to not listen to random people without any real credentials. These are the same kind of people who while AT THE RANGE have called my AR-15 a AK, and my 1917 Enfield a Mosin. With that said, I own or know someone who owns pretty much every weapon they've announced as being in development. I'm sure I could get the developers some range time with those weapons if they need first hand experience. -
A tale to tell the grandchildren: Bambi vs. Angry people
maverickfftytwo replied to Bearserk's topic in General Discussion
You wouldn't download a car, would you? -
Will We Ever Be Able To Have At Least 40 FPS In Cities and Everywhere
maverickfftytwo replied to 360Nation's topic in General Discussion
Not meant to be harsh, just pointing out what's holding his PC back. When I built this PC is looked VERY hard at the 8350 and 3570 and although the i5 didn't always come out on top, when it did it came on top significantly. The RV engine always has performed better with improved CPU specs. GPU specs helped for view distance/quality but didn't help when a lot of "stuff" was going on. Your rig, his rig, and my rig are all going to be "close" in real world performance on a polished, finished product. In a game under development like Dayz, you're going to see a best improvement in performance with raw processing power because, like you said, it's not optimized yet. This is why you see the guys with i7's or OC'd i5's with extremely good FPS rates. I'm a AMD guy myself, but Intel has the best chips out there right now. -
Will We Ever Be Able To Have At Least 40 FPS In Cities and Everywhere
maverickfftytwo replied to 360Nation's topic in General Discussion
That's why. I'm also not playing in 1080p, due to having an older monitor. I could check the frame rate using my TV if you wanted though. -
carrying a pistol and a M4 at this point in the game? I'm not a hoarder, so I don't feel compelled to drag everything I find around with me. However, while I had a Mosin, I had my FNX for close range engagements where I may have needed follow up shots. Now I have a M4 (without optics) and a FNX and I feel like I'm wasting inventory space lugging around the pistol and ammo. Anyone else feel the same way?
Is there really any point to...
maverickfftytwo replied to maverickfftytwo's topic in General Discussion
Well I'm not going to say your situation is a bad example, as I can see how it would work out, but I'd say it's a stretch. 1. M4 mags are easy to find, just go to a military base and you will have at least 2-3. 2. The mags are normally loaded, so ammo is easy to find with them as well. No reason to walk around with loose ammo and empty mags, so if you get caught off guard there that's your own fault. 3. You're just as likely to get your pistol ruined in that firefight as you are your mags. Thankfully, mags are easier to spread out to avoid that problem. Right now I have a olive tactical shirt, green cargo pants, olive assault vest, and the hunter backpack. The tactical shirt has a small protector case in it with... 1. 1x Compass 2. 1x Saline Bag IV 3. 1x Can Opener 4. 1x Morphine 5. 1x Bandages The cargo pants have a combat knife and a small protector case with... 1. 1x Morphine 2. 1x Epipen 3. 1x Grey Headtorch w/ battery installed 4. 1x Bandages 5. 1x Handcuffs 6. 1x Sewing Kit The assault vest has 1. 1x Morphine 2. 1x Bandages 3. 1x 60 round M4 mag 4. 2x stacks of 60 5.56 rounds 5. 1x Canteen The backpack has... 1. 4x 60 round M4 mags 2. 1x Morphine 3. 1x Fire Axe 4. 1x Ammo can full of 5.56 rounds stacked to 60 5. Misc Food/Drink So I tried to spread out my bandages & morphine in case they get damaged in a fall/firefight. The vest only has the one extra mag and 2 stacks of ammo, so if I want to ditch my backpack I have 1 mag to reload, and to more stacks of ammo to reload those mags, so 240 rounds total(which isn't far off from a realistic combat load, except they'd use 30rnd mags). I will probably switch the sewing kit and headtorch to the backpack when I find another Saline bag IV. The combat knife is there more because of it's small size and for "RP" reasons than it's effectiveness, again, if I wan to drop the backpack I still have a melee(without it hanging off my back, I hate that). If I find another can opener I'm throwing it in there somewhere too, just in case. -
Is there really any point to...
maverickfftytwo replied to maverickfftytwo's topic in General Discussion
What will you need the sidearm for that the M4 can't handle? I feel the same with the Mosin. Having to open the inventory to reload it in a firefight is a good way to get yourself shot, switching to a pistol to stay in the firefight is a better option IMO. With the M4 however, the space that a FNX with a single mag in it takes up can be filled with 2x 60 round mags for the M4. The only time I use the chest holster is when I'm using ONLY a pistol. Otherwise I'd rather have the assault vest. I guess the main reason I made the thread was to see if there was any flaw in my logic that a FNX+ammo+mags is a waste of inventory space when you already have a M4+mags+ammo. Can anyone see a situation where swapping to the FNX would be better than reloading the M4? Can anyone see a situation where using the FNX would be better than the M4? The only situation I can think of that a pistol>M4 is concealment. If you want to appear non-threatening then having a pistol in your pants/shirt/backpack without a rifle or visible melee weapon would be a good start. edit: I realize when I say "waste of inventory space" some people are probably going :huh: . I don't necessarily want to run around with a giant backpack and full military cammies to maximize my inventory space. There is a lot of stuff in the game that while it may be nice to carry with you, isn't necessary and I like to make those decisions while playing, this pistol one is just the most recent and I wanted other peoples opinions on it. -
Will We Ever Be Able To Have At Least 40 FPS In Cities and Everywhere
maverickfftytwo replied to 360Nation's topic in General Discussion
You don't need to. I have a i5 3570 w/ a AMD HD 7850 2gb, and 8GB of RAM. Still a pretty good PC, but I'm getting the exact same kind of FPS. -
I just wanted to check to see if anyone could explain what happened to me today, or if I should bug report it. I was playing for about 20 minutes, looting a town. My wife said dinner was ready so I went into a building and exited the game. I let it sit on the server list screen while I ate dinner. When I reconnected to that server I met another player who had a shotgun pointed right at me and shot my legs out before I had even completely loaded into the game. He then knocked me unconscious. I think at this point he took my weapons. I regained my consciousness and the player was still there taunting me. I was able to stand up and punch him before he knocked me unconscious again. I figured I was SOL at this point, so I respawned. Luckily, my fresh spawn was literally right down the road from where this occurred, so I sprinted back over there to try and loot my corpse. I was able to, and got my important gear back, including the bandits shotgun that he must have left after taking my Mosin. So did I do something wrong? Was I just super unlucky? Or....was something illegitimate going on?
Killed upon connecting to server
maverickfftytwo replied to maverickfftytwo's topic in General Discussion
It just seems EXTREMELY unlucky to me. Previous to logging out I hadn't seen anyone around(I realize that doesn't mean they weren't there). There were only about 10 people on the server total. I had logged out inside a building. So ~40 minutes after logging out, someone just happens to be in, or entered the building I logged out in(out of the whole town)and saw me "loading"? I mean dang, that just seems like "breaking a mirror while walking under a ladder" level of unluckiness. I figured I was probably visible to him before he was visible to me, but I still found it odd that he was there at all. Obviously this spot wasn't safe, but since this is only my second day playing I haven't learned all the tricks yet. My inexperience is also why I decided to post here. I thought it may have been possible that I became bugged when I logged out, and my character never actually disappeared from the server when I logged. That situation would make more sense to me as to why there was a person there when I logged back in. If my character was bugged for the ~40 minutes I was eating dinner, that would of been plenty of time for someone to have come across me in that location, and to have stayed there to figure out what the heck was going on. This is why I wanted to post and get others interpretations of the situation to see if I should fill out a bug report or not. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar situation happen to them. As a fairly new player I do have to say it was a little disappointing to just log in and get "owned" before/as the game loaded. I realize death is going to happen, but it would be nice to be able to have some control over it(and I understand that I could of chosen a better spot to log, but I still find the other players timing extremely coincidental).