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About amazingmazer

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  • Interests
    DayZ, CSGO, Insurgency.
  1. I have yet to see anyone make a character who is kitted out with firefighter coat, pants, helmet, axe, working gloves, and fire extinguisher and I think it would be really cool for RP and overall fun purposes. If anyone has seen anyone do this, feel free to link me! Also, I would love to see more functionality involved with the firefighting gear. For example, you want to put out your fireplace kit and could use your fire extinguisher to put it out more efficiently than any other method. Or maybe it would save elements of the fireplace kit to be used again? Also, turnout gear could be used to provide heat protection from fires. There could be a raging fire that blocks the entrance to a large, loot filled building, however a fire extinguisher and fire gear would be needed to be able to put out the fire and get to the building. Anyway, just some ideas. If you have a similar idea, go ahead and comment.
  2. So by joining the server and exiting back to the main menu before I spawn in, and then joining a new server, my character should carry over to that server?
  3. My character spawned naked and my character does not save/carry over to other servers (at least VERY few), even if they have the same options enabled (1st person, persistence....) Has anyone else had this happen? Is there a solution? Do the devs/other people know about or is it just me? Is there something I can do to fix it? Reinstall, new character, etc... Thanks. :beans:
  4. Hi, I know that you can have 2 characters by playing on hardcore and regular, and they will save in those separate server types. Do you also have a character for of you play experimental? So could you have 4 different characters if you played on regular stable , regular experimental, hardcore stable, and hardcore experimental technically? Also, what are your opinions on stable vs experimental in general?
  5. What do you guys think are the most scenic/pretty spots in the game? Have they added pobeda dam? I thought that was pretty scenic in the mod.
  6. amazingmazer

    Will my character save if I wipe my computer?

    But no, you can only transfer games I think but in game things stay the same
  7. amazingmazer

    Will my character save if I wipe my computer?

    I didn't know you could run DayZ on a laptop lol
  8. amazingmazer

    Will my character save if I wipe my computer?

    Sounds legit...
  9. amazingmazer

    Will my character save if I wipe my computer?

    Thanks a lot. I really didn't want to lose all my stuff. :)
  10. Hi, I need to wipe my computer to fix a problem and I would like to know if my DayZ character is going to save or if there is anything I can do to make sure it does. Thanks.
  11. amazingmazer

    Settings for DayZ to get better frames

    thats a bad ass rig
  12. Hi, I have a GTX 760 graphics card, an intel i5 4670k, 8gb of RAM, using windows 8.1 64 bit. I tend to get low frames in game at times especially in cities. Are there certain settings I should change that will increase frames but not impact my gameplay very much? Also, I am running it in 1920x1080.
  13. amazingmazer

    What is server hopping?

    Do they do this on low population servers so that it is so easy? Otherwise I don't see a point.
  14. amazingmazer

    What is server hopping?

    What is this so called "server hopping" and why is it looked down upon by players, I am new to the game.Thanks.
  15. Get it now, you don't need to play it if you don't like it now. It will go up in price eventually also.