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About Seronys

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    On the Coast
  1. Seronys

    IF this was an actual game...

    One thing people have to take into mind is, what if this were a proper game, what if there were clans... what if there were areas these clans could take control of, area dominance, wars over cities, whilst fighting zombies, creating player maintained safe zones, random zombie horde assaults/events, the game could expand so much more...
  2. Seronys

    IF this was an actual game...

    Unique Players: 34191 i don't know if it just updated over the past week or longer or what :S, but I'm pretty sure i looked at that yesterday and it was around upper 29k. This is a mod... for another game... in it's ALPHA stages. I personally bought arma 2 just cause of this mod... have no intention of playing the actual game. This game has massive potential. That being said, if servers were improved, a lot more content was added, with updates, i would gladly pay a monthly fee of 10 dollars on top of a 50-60 dollar purchase for the game itself, as I'm sure other people would as well.
  3. i saw vids on youtube, and was like, OH MY GOD... i didn't even know wtf arma 2 was before i saw them... finally someone with a brain, develops a game, (not even a proper game) within a game, to give people what they want. IMAGINE, if this game had the proper engine to run this, imagine, if it had proper devs (not hating on these devs they're awesome :) but it's not a major a company and you guys can only put so much time into it :(. It could be something awesome. People are sick of the garbage, graphic based, catering to carebears, boring, stupid games that come out nowadays this game right here is proof. This game is only in it's alpha stage... it hasn't even peaked yet... there is so much more content that could be added to make this that much more better... and almost 30000 unique players, you go DayZ team, kudos to you for doing what no else would. Kudos to you for being awesome :)
  4. Seronys

    Permanently spawning at Balota unconscious

    I have a similar issue... Date/Time: may 9th around 4:00pm What happened: Was killed by a zombie Where you were: Chernogosk What you were doing: running *Current installed version: 1.5.6 *Timeline of events before/after error: running from zombie, into building, get hit by zombie inside building, fall down dead, get player killed screen, reload game, stuck in an unconscious state at 24 health, cant do anything in game, very long hour glass. Is there a way to straight suicide or reset your character? Every server, login, and it's the same...