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Everything posted by theengine

  1. theengine

    Flip ATV

    i really doubt it is that difficult to add a script that would upon activate reset the vehicles angle to 0 :/
  2. theengine

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Please explain to me how a "Good" gaming computer would cost 600$, most high teir graphics cards and proccers cost around 300-500$.
  3. Hello Server admins, I would like to ask a question about the topic of Bullying. Over the past few weeks i have had a member join our server just to Bully specific members of our server, he's ruining the gaming experience for all the players on our server and some of these players are constant members that help support the server. The player that is bullying has been doing so for the past 2 weeks without stop, The Moment he logs into our server he begins to Bully anyone who he has any information he can get on them. We have asked him multiple times to stop and these requests have been ignored. What i am asking is wether or not we can ban this player for a short period of time. What i am looking at is a 1-3 day ban just to get the point across and a permanent one if he continues to bully after the ban. I am asking for your opinions and i would love to hear from anyone who can help me out. Thank you for your time. Sincerly The.Engine
  4. We have had this mission file for about 1 and a 1/2 months now.
  5. At the moment, the server will not be removing side chat and i doubt there will be any convincing of the server owner, as i said i am an Admin on the server but i dont have any control over the mission files. i think a 1-2 day ban is the only solution, even as i speak he is still bullying people.
  6. He is not teleporting to people, We have Side chat enabled on our server for some reason. your probably 200+ KM atm. :P
  7. The server owner does not want to disable side chat, and i have been pushing to get it removed. i don't see how its not part of the game however it would solve All our problems.
  8. We have Side chat enabled on our server, This specific player is calling people names. he is claiming that we are breaking our own rules, he has been constantly bulling Avariel one of our clan mates, the abuse has been through chat mostly. and let me remind you this has been going on for the past two weeks and we have put up with it until now.
  9. theengine

    Pending Update: Build

    A possible solution to duping, Why not save the players character on logout, would this not solve all the issues of duping. if i am wrong, please explain how.
  10. theengine

    Do you like to sniper, Why?

    Let me tell you all a story. This story takes place at NWAF with a group of 5 people (including myself) we had 4 people up at the northern barracks while i was on over watch with the highly popular DMR. I was casually scanning the runway and the southern barracks when i see Zeds suddenly spawn. immediately I warn my buddies and as i am in the process of pulling my rangefinder to determine range i spot two people running from the southern wall to the barracks. After finding out that they were at a range of 413m i aim down the second Milidot on the DMR and take a shot at the closest target. *BOOM* The shot is good and i take out one of the two with a head shot, While all of this was going on i realized that my buddies at the northern barracks had taken position on the western wall north of the barracks and had eyes on the second of the two, I was unable to continue engagement and i was forced to wait in hopes that my buddies would get him before he was able to get his head together and they do, I hear the three round Burp of the FN FAL and i see the second guy drop around a corner, dead. I personally allways carry both an assault rifle and a Sniper, My favorite is, as usual, a DMR and my standard assault rifle is a M4A1 varient. I believe it is important for a player to be able to counter sniper anyone they come into contact with and i believe it is a good idea to have a sniper to cover your buddies as they are vulnerable.
  11. theengine

    Greater use of shock?

    In reply to w'll I believe that having your person stay logged in for a minute after disconnecting would provide a possible solution to the Alt+F4 problem. If rocket were to add a system that keeps a players body ingame for at least a minute after pressing any sort of disconnect button then there would be ample time for the aggressor to finish off his or her target. Another possible system is there to be a 30 second timer in which the player activates said timer and then at the end of said timer the player is completely disconnected, if the two systems were combined then this would remove any possible chance of Combat logging.