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Everything posted by gadyuka

  1. gadyuka

    An Anthropological Study Of Dayz

    Anyone have some clips for my M4?
  2. I could use a clip for my M4 as well. Got any clips?
  3. gadyuka

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    Dear Lord, please tell me you've found some food already. I just can't take it any more!
  4. gadyuka

    WTF are with the Books?

    Only 2? Books deserve 100 million trillion gazillion posts.
  5. gadyuka

    WTF are with the Books?

    WTF are with the double posts? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178707-wtf-are-with-the-books/
  6. gadyuka

    WTF are with the Books?

    Keep them occupied and you'll have all the carefree loot you can handle!
  7. gadyuka

    WTF are with the Books?

    Might be able to start fires with them at a later date... artist tribute to Fahrenheit 451 perhaps. Reality = the books within the game are classics. Classics are free for everyone. Therefore it doesn't cost to have them within the game. My guess is they were easy to implement, hence their existence within the game. That and simple fact that books are fucking awesome.
  8. gadyuka

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    "Well, I'm fresh out of ideas." ~Chief Wiggum
  9. gadyuka

    When are Zombies Coming?!

    Try to find a 24/7 nightime server while you're at it :lol:
  10. gadyuka

    Rambo in my undies

    Yup. Dude's fixated on something... something I do not want to put my finger on...
  11. gadyuka

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    Google searched "greyed out" and found the following: Unable To Respawn - You Are Dead / You Are Unconscious Issue 8067 Logging in you will find yourself stuck at You Are Dead or You Are Unconscious with the Respawn button greyed out. If you find yourself in this situation, try the following: Wait 5 minutes. It may be showing You Are Dead instead of the 300 second countdownDelete your [NAME].vars.DayZProfile file (located in Documents/DayZ on Windows 7)Use the server browser to find a server that is glitched and will delete your character from the hive (search "delete" in filters)http://www.psychicgamers.co.uk/articles/dayz-standalone/known-issues-bugs
  12. gadyuka

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    Are you 100% sure you are dead?
  13. gadyuka

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    I did a general google search and could only find related entries for the DayZ mod. Seems the same happened in the mod too. Wish I could give you a solution. Good luck!
  14. gadyuka

    Use scopes like binoculars

    You should be able to search these boards for similar topics or suggestions. That would be nice and realistic, and probably not difficult to implement.
  15. My wife says I'm an animal... rowl! [makes claws with hands]
  16. gadyuka

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    Has anyone tried something yet? I have read some great reviews but am unwilling to pay for it at the moment.
  17. gadyuka

    Mosin vs. SKS?

    This is a very helpful post. Thank you to all who contributed.
  18. gadyuka

    when I log out?

    Pretty sure it's true based on the following in-game interaction: A TMW medical crew fixed my legs the other night. Afterwards they escorted me into the woods and told me they would guard me until for my character logged out. If they made that kind of statement then there must be truth to it considering they follow the same procedure on a regular basis. That being said, I've said it before and will say it again: TMW rules!
  19. gadyuka

    Got my friends to buy DayZ.

    Pellet guns? The wasteland is vicious...
  20. gadyuka

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    Apologies in advance...
  21. gadyuka

    Zombies respawning on experimental?

    If that's the case, I can't wait to see videos of PvP groups involving gunfights. Should be very entertaining.
  22. Walked up a flight of stairs last night in a house, opened the door, walked into the room and my char screamed and I dropped to the floor. Game glitch broke my legs. I posted in general discussion and was redirected to these kind folks. Huge thanks to Knar, Unlimited, and the whole medical crew for their assistance. What an impressive experience. Cheers!
  23. gadyuka

    Constantly sick

    I love you.
  24. gadyuka

    Constantly sick

    Throwing up doesn't cure hunger. In fact, eating rotten food to fool the system and throwing up afterwards sounds like a cheat. Anyone eating rotten food to prevent hunger is cheating. Stop cheating, you cheaters.
  25. gadyuka


    Evening, folks. Looking for an act of kindness. Walked up a flight of stairs, opened the door, walked into the room and my char screamed and I dropped to the floor. Think me legs are broken. I assume this glitch has been reported already. Regardless, curious if someone wants to be a hero and come splint me / heal my legs. My char isn't too far along since my last time being hacked / KoS'd so I don't have much to offer in return but I could offer food, water, a thumbs up, etc. Shoot me a message via the boards if willing to help a stranger and I'll pass the details of where I'm stranded. Odd request = yes. Will play hardcore in the meantime. Cheers for reading.