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Everything posted by gadyuka

  1. gadyuka

    DayZ Standalone Weapon Guide

    The scope helps people who want to try and find flavour.
  2. gadyuka

    Cant play Experimental all of a sudden

    Confirmed as per reply from Brian Hicks (@Hicks_206) on Twitter: "shouldn't be any exp servers online. Exp and stable are on the same build"
  3. gadyuka

    Cant play Experimental all of a sudden

    Cool beans - thanks for the info, folks.
  4. gadyuka

    Cant play Experimental all of a sudden

    Same happening with me. Anyone have a fix?
  5. gadyuka

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    My eyes can has focus? That's unpossible! ^_^
  6. gadyuka

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    Ahhh... got ya - thanks!
  7. gadyuka

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    Ummm... we can already zoom-in within the game without using an item to justify it... I don't know about y'all but my vision doesn't work like that in real life. Seems like we already have some form of binoculars as a default.
  8. gadyuka

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    I don't what it is but it sure sounds funny... binoculars... [giggles]
  9. gadyuka

    Spoiled brats

    Needy sob :D
  10. gadyuka

    Spoiled brats

    I like kittens.
  11. gadyuka

    How do you deal with zombies?

    Thought you left the game. Guess you feel better after all your recent crying and ranting. Thank you, Baby Jesus... thank you. Thank you so very much for keeping him with us. Thank you.
  12. gadyuka

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    Oh dear sweet baby jesus... help us... please lord... please... please...
  13. gadyuka

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    Please, please don't leave us. Our community can't survive without your love and support. Please lord... please...
  14. gadyuka

    Delay when messing around with inventory?

    I don't know about "we" but you can say/think/do whatever you feel like whenever.
  15. gadyuka

    Trade for black shirt

    That's spider isn't crazy... that spider is INSANE!
  16. gadyuka

    End of Map?

    Please let us know the outcome of your experiment/adventure. Thank you.
  17. gadyuka

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Fair enough. I hope you get banned, shitbox.
  18. gadyuka

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    You say the "r" word a lot. You have absolutely no right to complain about others considering how disrespectful you are. Consider your wording and change your angle, shitbox.
  19. gadyuka

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Suuure he did. NASA chose not to go back until the place became more interesting. 45 years and counting...
  20. gadyuka

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Zero in roughly 100 hours played. I spend my time avoiding players, looting, and outfitting medics. My greatest high so far was when I donated my entire set of gear (minus the fireman's axe). Donated meds, food, ammo, M4+acog to a respawning medic of TMW so he could get back to his ops sooner than later. I put on his bambi clothes and trotted back into the woods to gear up with hopes to repeat the process.
  21. I awoke in hardcore mode on the beach with a zombie literally meters away looking at me. He charged, I panicked, swallowed my heart, did a 180, and started swimming. There was an island in the distance so I decided to give it a go. I had never swam in DayZ before so I figured, why not go for broke. I kept looking behind me to see what the zombie was doing. To my amazement, he was following… walking on the bottom… very, very slowly. I left him in my wake. I arrived on the island and at this stage, was both thirsty and hungry. I began my climb to the top of the island to see what was available and saw a tower. Sadly, the tower and its shack had zero loot. I continued to explore and found an empty house, shack, and outhouse. Zero loot. Now I was very hungry and very thirsty and was running out of options. In the distance I could see a bay, with tiny shoreline community: a boathouse, couple houses, and at a few shacks. Suddenly this island was giving me a little hope. I swam across the bay towards the boathouse, paused, treaded water, zoomed in to inspect, and saw its two inhabitants swaying in the distance. Wonderful. I recalled my first interaction with the zombie on the beach and came up with a plan. I made my way to land, did a running loop around the buildings to ensure I got everyone’s attention, and ran back into the bay. Both zombies were on my heels. I swam into the bay and they followed, walking very slowly underwater. I went out far enough to see how deep I could get them. Mission successful. Both zombies were now out very far and very deep. I returned to shore, ran along the shoreline back to the grouping of building to find nothing. No loot. My only consolation was a well. At least I was no longer thirsty. I drank until fully hydrated and continued to explore the island. I later found a lighthouse and hunting shack, both of which were void of loot. Balls. Worst island vacation ever. I returned to the point on the island where the mainland was the closest and began my swim back. After swimming for a while I treaded water, zooming in to explore the mainland, and spotted a grouping of buildings. Yes I could be walking into more zombies but at this stage I was being warned that I was going to die from starvation so what choice did I have. Luckily, the buildings were void of zombies and one of the houses gave me my first piece of loot – a can of cola. I chugged the can, which brought me from starving to hungry and returned me to fully hydrated. After close to two hours of gaming I decided it was best to end my adventure for the night so I went to the upper floor of the house, logged, and went to sleep. This morning, I decided to roll the dice and squeaked in a quick re-log before heading to work. Bingo! The second door I opened in the same house gave me a can of beans and… wait for it… a badly damaged fireman’s axe. All hail the server reset. Glorious beams of light from the heavens above were pouring down on me this morning as I ate the 43% of beans that remained after I hacked the can open. I am no longer hungry. I went back to the top floor and logged again. Thank you, fireman’s axe. I can't wait to hold you again. DayZ rocks!
  22. A week and two days later, I entered 2nd floor jail room on an empty server with my character fully geared. She suddenly screamed out and died. Apparantly killed by the infamous stairs glitch... hahahaha... Serves me right for looting on a empty server. Damn, I love this game! ^_^ :beans: :beans: :beans:
  23. gadyuka

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Have you lost your mind?
  24. gadyuka

    Honey and beehives

    I sense more danger in the wasteland...
  25. Nice choice of words, you disrespectful shitbox.