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Everything posted by gadyuka

  1. gadyuka

    yo yo yo stop the press!

    Soother lineup is quite long, shitbox. Please wait patiently at the back of the line.
  2. gadyuka

    yo yo yo stop the press!

    The deadguy with a fireaxe burried in his chest?
  3. gadyuka

    What would YOU have done?

    Spot four bambi-killing children? With the gear you two had I would hide/vacate. With a sniper rifle each, find some high ground a safe distance away and pick 'em off with glee. That being said, I would have never been in Elektro in the first place. If I'm trying to survive the last place I would be is in a larger city/town.
  4. gadyuka

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Change your profile pic. That's my opinion.
  5. gadyuka

    Breathing Noises

    Enjoy the game when you have a heart attack instead of just panting ^_^
  6. gadyuka

    Fucking lag...

    Swearing is fun.
  7. Apologies, Meenos. I honestly thought your entire post was heavily laden with sarcasm to show your frustration with the game. I suppose my pessimistic nature prevented me from taking it at face value. I like nice. I commend your niceness.
  8. All the editing done to the original post is annoying.
  9. All the intentional sarcasm is annoying.
  10. All the fonts and the font sizes are annoying.
  11. Another satisfied customer.
  12. gadyuka

    Why am I spawning in different places?

    Unless of course you were geared prior and afterwards in which case I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about...
  13. gadyuka

    Why am I spawning in different places?

    My guess: Your character was still there for 30 seconds after you crashed and you probably got popped.
  14. gadyuka

    DayZ: The Ultimate Hiking simulator

    Oh yeah? Now I'm whining about whiners whining about whiners whining about whiners
  15. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Haha... thought of that after the post... I should have pulled a Herrgott and edited it after posting it ;)
  16. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    I so need to apologize to her when I get home :lol:
  17. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    I spend all my time editing my posts shortly after I post them. Q: whats the first thing ur gonna do after the posting ? A: edit my posting
  18. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?
  19. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Still waiting for you to turn it off, slick.
  20. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Blah blah blah... Look what I found: "Please be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It’s a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle. Please keep in mind that we do not expect to reach Beta status sooner than the end of 2014."
  21. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Found what you were after, Herrgott. Comes in two colour schemes. You are very welcome.
  22. gadyuka

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Thank you for your money, bitter bunny.
  23. gadyuka

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    Will players be able to forcefeed captured players to fatten them up?
  24. gadyuka

    Train Vehicle

  25. Latters will break your legs. Stay away from latters.