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About Elevert

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    On the Coast
  1. Elevert

    Cant Respawn

    I ended up being able to crawl far enough so that i could stand up and get my head out of the water. Then I could breathe a little and then crawl some more. Repeated this until I got on the beach, then crawled to the road and just started crawling and constantly talking. Found a nice young man that punched me out. Thanks for the help though.
  2. Elevert

    Cant Respawn

    Unfortunately even on a high ping server, respawn is still grayed out and I can't click it. Anybody near berezino unfinished building? If I can make it to street I would love for you to shoot me. :) Come dial in your long range scope. haha. Just please someone kill me.
  3. Elevert

    Cant Respawn

    This exact same issue is happening to me. Can't crawl out of ocean before dying again, and can't respawn!! Help me