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About duude

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    Buenos Aires
  1. duude

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    16 Dec is the 2nd year Alpha birthday!!!! yay Are devs gonna give a present to their clients? Like... our money back? :emptycan:
  2. duude

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Q3 2015 TrapsBarricadingCharacter life span + soft skillsAnimal predators + birdsAerial transportConsole prototypeQ4 2015 Animal companionsSteam community integrationConstruction (base building)Beta version, expected price €34.99 / $43.99. Only 2 months to go for 2015....
  3. duude

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Forever alpha.
  4. duude

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Nobody is helping anything here, come on, be real. The "Alpha testers" tag is just the way to finance the game. The fact that last experimental patch broke the game and in less than 24hs it was imported to stable means they do not read forum posts and the "alpha testers" advices. The problem right now on stable was reported by everybody yesterday on experimental. Whats the conclusion here? Well, only some forum moderators answer random messages here. Nothing really meaningful. People who really take actions or decisions on game just dont pay attention to all the crappy posts here: half of them game fanboys just trying to find a logical answer of the game build process and the other half just complaining of almost everything without a constructive argument. We are only left to expect that the captain of this ship (who already announced his retirement from DayZ) will eventually put this on the road back again. Thinking on a beta on December 2014, this last month work did not solve the main game issues. Almost 10% of time left wasted on some minor features but not the real deal (Zeds walking through walls, 0 (zero) AI, glitches announced fixed where there are not, people jumping through walls, jumping from a roof to land without dying, ... the list is long...) You're thinking on "well, they must be working on some other things that you cant see. Like physics or cooking, or base building... " They are really working on that stuff when the foundation of this game works as bad as it is now? Really bad programing practice. My 2 cents.
  5. duude

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Hotfix right now? I got a 76.9MB update.
  6. duude

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Seems like the texture glitch is still there... I've seen that confirmed from several players already. Shame this was not a priority on 1 month.
  7. right click on DayZ, properties, last tab select opt for betas. (facepalm)
  8. You probably fell from that roof by input lag, server lag, desync or related. I see many times people starting to fall from a roof and in the middle of the drop disappear and go back to the roof like nothing happened. If in that moment you do hit ground you probably go back to were you were but you keep the damage of that hypothetical fall that "never happened and you never saw". Ladders do this kind of same thing. Damage goes from ruined pants and stuff in them to broken legs or death. Climbing ladders and high places is not a good idea if you have nice loot ;)
  9. yep, one hit kill with axe and with this one 2 headshots? something is wrong there.
  10. I got hit by an invisible zombie twice on different sessions on the grey house with the black piano on the hall. It was on the top level of the house, when the zombie followed me up the stairs. Bug probably easy to replicate.
  11. duude

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Great info, thanks.
  12. duude

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Nice! And also looking forward to next patch for persistent objects. I agree on what is being discussed before, Zombies can’t be walking through walls at this stage. I think this is a basic gameplay priority fix instead of continue adding more features.. that’s my opinion.
  13. Its not about the gear, its about the game. Cheaters fucks the game up and this must be a priority.
  14. Dont let this be like RUST. Please please take over this problem from Alpha.
  15. duude

    Cheating you've encountered

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDJ2uyolZOM Cheaters are there... see it with your own eyes.