Happened to my friend as well! He thought it was his ISP at first, but they came and fixed his internet today and it's still no bueno. Whenever the desync issue happens, he tells me he can move around but not interact with things like doors or things on the floor (despite me seeing him from my screen unholstering/holstering his weapon and picking things up). He says he can see me in the position the server saw me when he loads in, but he doesn't see me whenever I move from that position. He can interact with me on the ground and punch me (and I can punch him) but we can't travel or do anything together thanks to this glitch. :/ My next step is to get rid of all of my containers to see if that was the problem. I'm a packrat, so I begrudge this step, but I'll do just about anything to get our little gang of friends back to playing this cool game once again. (I even let him kill me already; didn't work.) Edit: I got rid of all of my various containers in a discreet location and for the rest of the night the bug was gone. Huzzah!