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About OhNoes

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  1. OhNoes

    Can't change character!?

    You have to save the character, by hitting "Set Default" before hitting back.. That should really say "Save" because 99% of gamers read "Set Default" as "Reset to Default Character", which would be a female. You also need to make sure you're not connecting to bugged servers, that shouldn't be on the server lists, that will reset your character everytime you connect.
  2. OhNoes

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    When private hives are implemented there will be no more server hopping or ghosting, ever. AS50s should have never been in the game but Dean had too much of a hard on for the L85 and British arms. The mod's weapons were way out of balance for a long time, they really still are. I'll admit it would be nice to see the Mosin have some upgradeable parts, but that's also one big appeal of anything OTHER than an M4, there's no parts and pieces to worry about affecting your accuracy. I wouldn't mind seeing an advanced rifle that can use the LRS/PU and has different parts to affect the gun's accuracy, speed, etc, though.
  3. OhNoes

    Always night or evening...

    Hey there's this awesome tab on the servers list called TIME, and it shows you what the current TIME of the server is. If you don't want to play in a TIME when it's dark outside, then sort by TIME and don't choose anything before 7:00 or after 17:00. Why are people so dumb? If you want to play on experimental when it's day time, guess what? You might actually have to get up earlier or stay up later than you normally would. I used to play a Japanese game with a few Japanese players, do you think they were waking up at 3 am to play with me? Nope. It was their game on their timezone, and I woke up early or stayed up late to enjoy playing with them. You'll have to do the same.
  4. You do realize that Experimental just means the next set of changes that will be coming to Stable right? Why would they want to push updates through to stable if they're not entirely sure how the changes will play out? There are ~250 people playing Experimental at any given point, there are about 10,000 people playing Stable at all hours of the day. If you really think Stable is being neglected since they missed their scheduled patch day by a couple days now, start playing on Experimental only. Experimental can be fun, but it's a bit hard to know what to look for with testing if notes aren't provided. Either way, stable's not being "neglected" because they're trying to work on the game. The next patch stable receives is going to be a significant one, which is why I assume it's taken some extra time this patch.
  5. If not being able to get in a helicopter ruined the mod for anyone, they should have learned to play with more than just one toy out of the toy box. 95% of the people I saw flying helicopters in the mod had never taken the two minutes to learn the controls in the tutorial in ArmA 2, and promptly crashed them upon take-off. The game's appeal is hunting other players, being hunted by other players, and knowing when anyone dies, including yourself, you respawn as if you just bought the game.
  6. Helicopters were never the end game, sorry. Maybe on a public/vanilla build with a whopping handful on the map, but not on 97% of DayZ servers. Being able to go 21km in 5 minutes compared to a few hours, isn't exactly some huge accomplishment. It's just means of transportation. I like not having any cars right now, and when they get added you can best bet if you find someone with a working car and you want one, you're not going to be shooting a single bullet anywhere near that working car.
  7. OhNoes

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    If you want to do anything besides talk over a radio, other than send a test signal, you guys can feel free to add short and long beeps for Morse code, otherwise; how exactly in the hell would you TYPE on a short range radio? They're not cell phones with keyboards.
  8. You and anyone else who gives beans for a post like that is a complete idiot. The game's concept is fine, you have less moments of "fun" and run the risk of getting that pesky "black screen" because this isn't set up like some shitty private hive with 1000+ vehicles, more loot, custom loadouts, etc. If you don't have fun giving people the black screen, this game probably isn't for you, and never has been even in the mod, so why are you here at all?
  9. Please don't respond if you can't actually help. There is absolutely no excuse for characters getting wiped or the database getting wiped at this point, no matter what you want to call it or whatever test phase we're in. If we're going to have regular database wipes, I'll stop putting in 20+ hours a week on the game and wait until they're not. Fortunately for us, there's been a whopping single database wipe, ever so far. If you can't join a server you know your character existed on, and you know that you logged out and were alive the last time you were on your other computer, there's no reason you should have a new character. I've joined bugged servers, that shouldn't be on the server list, that will always give you a new character upon joining, or "run the risk of deleting your character", but immediately joined a server from my history that was known to be fine, and never lost a character.
  10. OhNoes

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Cool, the video's length has absolutely nothing to do with the guy warping around at the house. I don't really care how the guy got killed or when. I clearly said in my post that it could have been anyone who killed him and the video showed no evidence of it being the same guy warping every 10m up to him. Thanks for playing, though.
  11. OhNoes

    Whats Being Done To Combat ESP Hacks?

    Anyone who wants to get the hacks for DayZ will find them. If they really want to hack in DayZ, clearly they don't care about losing a CD Key, which puts them at ending up with the current set of hacks even higher. If you haven't seen all the videos, everywhere, on youtube, of legitimate item, player, and NPC locations, distances to each, toggleable Radar, and autoaim, you haven't looked very hard. Are they commonplace? No, there are probably quite a few would-bes that are too afraid/broke to risk it, and in the majority are players who think cheating in online games is as scummy as it gets. Cheating in a single player game is fine, who cares? As soon as you cheat in an online game, especially ones with databases for items/interaction, the integrity of the game is completely obliterated. At any point, on any server you play on right now, there's a given chance that a hacker could log on, warp over to your location, and autoaim your face as he warps through the walls of the building you're in, making no noise as he's about to deliver the bullet to your dome. Why any of them think that's fun is a different discussion entirely, I don't think that question will ever be answered. ArmA 2 had toggleable AutoAim set in the server options, if this was carried over into the engine for SA, they need to completely remove it from the code, immediately. If NPCs use autoaim, figure something else out. At least autoaim should be able to get rid of, the locations of everything are being pinged from the servers database, and the warping/teleporting could easily be stopped by putting in a check for distance traveled in a given amount of time. There's no vehicles right now, players can only run as fast as they can while sprinting. If they ever move faster than that then warp = DETECTED. Why is DayZ Standalone, created in 2012 and forward, missing features from online games written in 1997? Why was Everquest better at combating player's warping around in 1999 than DayZ is in 2014? Even with vehicles it'd be a simple check of isInVehicle=0, before checking the player's speed, and even if they were in a vehicle, as those will have a maximum speed as well. Come on now.
  12. OhNoes

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Quoting people out of context and misconstruing the quotes doesn't exactly add anything to the discussion. The question I posed was to the guy who said the person warping around ghosted by switching servers and then switching back. So yeah...
  13. OhNoes

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Maybe you should watch closer, the guy is skipping across the screen. The video can't confirm that the guy warped up to his position and that it wasn't someone who heard/saw him, however, the video clearly shows someone warping around more than 10m at a time, which would be nearly impossible to hit or defend yourself against. Can people please stop flying off the handle at people for legitimately reporting and posting issues? All of you screaming "IT'S AN ALPHA", yeah guess what? That's what the ALPHA is for, reporting and documenting these issues. Just because YOU haven't run into a hacker YET doesn't mean they don't exist, nor when someone posts hard evidence in a video should you go off about something completely unrelated to what's being reported. That video is one minute long, and only edited as far as I can tell, to show the warps in slow mo, then he drops dead with just the sound of a soda nearby. Even if someone had been on the server for 30 minutes, logged out and switched servers, they would have been hit with AT LEAST a 30 second timer, probably closer to the max 300 seconds. How do you account for the fact that the encounter happened in less than 60 seconds?
  14. Just use the clipping glitch while loading to be anti-douche and get yourself out of the predicament. I've heard that tapping w instead of pressing and holding is more efficient, but I haven't had to use this yet. The time I got stuck inside a police building I didn't know about the load clipping and drank a bottle of disinfectant and tincture both. Needless to say it was very surreal killing myself, wouldn't want to do it again to be honest. Didn't feel right at all.
  15. OhNoes

    Hackers :(

    Yeah, all of you guys are just so wise and knowledgeable. Definitely no way this could have happened, OP is just whining about a death. Clearly. Wouldn't be hard at all to disable input while the game is loading, that's less than 5 lines to the script. Why do characters need to be able to move around while the screen is still black? Only answer: so people can clip and cheat. There's no other legitimate reason, we're all supposed to be logging out in safe places right? Should be no reason to spam Z or X to go prone or crouch while you're loading, at all. disableuserinput true; server globalchat "You are unable to move while the scene renders." sleep 3; //3 seconds to prevent moving before the buildings render, increase it if the average takes longer. disableuserinput false; Done. No more clip cheating.