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About zewoulfe

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  1. zewoulfe

    akm stock

    hey guys i was just wondering, whats the difference between the folding stck and the wooden stock of the akm?
  2. i just wanted to share this up! i just spawned and i encounter a women with a mosin so i knocked her out and when i loot her up, she happen to have a stack of 59 mosin bullets. then, i take her stuf and just a second after, my leg is broken for no reason. just a fiew second after, i die for no reason. before this i wasn't really sure about the fact that there where some hackers in SA, but now i am sure about it. keep safe and watch out. (:
  3. zewoulfe

    Dayz keep crashing

    can anyone help me with this ? it keep happening every 5 minutes! help!
  4. zewoulfe


    Hey guys! i was just wondering if having some stuff like canned food or what ever in your shirt/pants/vest/backpack gave you some extra defence. thanks
  5. A. Emil B. broken limbs C. berezino school D. Yellow raincoat please help me!
  6. zewoulfe

    Dayz keep coming back to desktop

    nope it is totaly random
  7. ok so i'm having this issue where everytime i play dayz the screen keep coming back to the desktop for every 1-3 minutes and the game becomes unplayable. Please help me!
  8. zewoulfe

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    mosin and 2 bullets
  9. zewoulfe

    Internet usage

    thanks guys!
  10. zewoulfe

    Internet usage

    you know like if i don't have an unlimited internet connection
  11. zewoulfe

    Internet usage

    hey guys! i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how much DayZ consume the internet.
  12. zewoulfe

    goddamn server restart!

    you know those time when you find a friendly encounter and that you have a orange raincoat and you going to kill those bandits who murdered you but then the server restart hit and you are all alone again! thats crappy!
  13. zewoulfe

    Too much contrast on my god damn screen

    nevermind it was just my wire sorry about the fact i may not have posted in the right section
  14. can anyone tell me how to adjust contrast because i've been playing since the start but this morning the contrast is way too high on my screen for no apparent reason and i don't know how to fix this shit help me (:
  15. zewoulfe

    DayZ Fail Snipe

    that ''nothing i shoot gets back up again'' is funny