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Everything posted by blowurselfup

  1. blowurselfup

    When do you feel safe to logout?

    Agreed! Thank you my good man..same to you B)
  2. blowurselfup

    [Question] M4 and ACOG

    I second this. M4 + ACOG + bipod + prone = fairly accurate at longer range (200 or more meters) Even with the dot scopes its accurate ohh ya and the 'focus' B)
  3. blowurselfup

    About persistent objects and immersion

    OOPS I typed in the quote...my bad
  4. blowurselfup

    Weapons that should be added

    Dragunov! sounds like a great idea! New weapons! Machete! smh :huh:
  5. blowurselfup

    What Do? "End-game"

    You cant lose by going to Electro and shouting that you are fully geared and looking for some special friends someone played this for me right before rushing up the stairs and trying to stab me to death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP-jYiuDD9g
  6. Check out the members of your group before you go in a raid and remember what they are looking like or wearing
  7. blowurselfup

    They are getting ballsy...

    I noticed one on a roof in electro :D aggroed and committed zed suicide
  8. blowurselfup

    Would you shoot me...

    The mask makes you LOOK aggressive. If I see you in Electro with your mosin drawn...yes
  9. blowurselfup

    11 lessons for Bambie

    That is ALL very good information for beginners
  10. blowurselfup

    We meet a fan, then get shot at!

    Great Video..we need to team up and hit Electro
  11. blowurselfup

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    It is up to you to find some sort of gear that will identify you as whatever you are...then communicate that to other players. There is no "KOS" uniform just like there is no "Hero" uniform
  12. Yeah! Zombies!! Exactly as I wished they would be. This is now a zombie survival game..imagine that!
  13. blowurselfup

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    I like the faster, stronger zeds! I don't like the hit detection! (getting hit from 3 meters away or getting hit while standing behind a zed) Melee is better but still a little awkward Fix the damn phantom noises next update...please
  14. I do this all the time just for fun. Usually dropping the items in a little more obvious place than in a bush. I also detach M4 parts and scatter them around B) On regular or HC servers..not experimental
  15. blowurselfup

    Zombies being glitchy.

    The zeds are faster and stronger. They spawn near where they expired too. All that I like! I don't like it when I get hit from 3 meters away :|
  16. blowurselfup

    possible hack?

    I was playing late last night..alone on the server. Night time..i was playing with the pistol flashlight I just got. I was shot at about 6 times..hit once. you are right...hackers don't know how to shoot :lol:
  17. blowurselfup

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    LRS hint - look in hangers and under the bunks in the barracks