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Everything posted by blowurselfup

  1. blowurselfup

    persistent servers not being persistent

    I would not call it improved personally especially since the stuff you want to be persistent is not saving for any length of time It could definitely be improved more. but hey its still alpha B) so cant complain
  2. blowurselfup

    persistent servers not being persistent

    I tested the persistence and I think I am done with it for now..since it didn't work at all nothing was persistent and the loot is so sparce
  3. Not OP just horrible hit detection and desync can cause major frustration at times ^ all that is where the zombie frustration comes from
  4. blowurselfup

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    to the OP this has happened to me twice now as well would the devs please add tar and feathers B)
  5. blowurselfup

    liking the game But....

    If your goal is to survive and not be killed by randoms then stay out of sight and don't let the zombies get ya. I KNOW the stairs will get ya tho B)
  6. blowurselfup

    Ok, so I stop aimlessly searching..What has been removed?

    get the AK101 B) forget about the M4 for now
  7. blowurselfup

    Notes on the ground

    I write notes all the time B) just for fun mostly silly sayings and stuff..never pornographic so that wasn't me
  8. blowurselfup

    I'm angry at myself

    Please do not be afraid to play the friendly role if you want to but you will get killed for no reason on occasion B) just like everyone else we all play a role in this game even if your role is not playing a role. Hero/bandit/medic/psychopath...I have played them all and have fun always
  9. blowurselfup

    Wtf just happened.

    OP did you make that fireplace tho?
  10. blowurselfup

    CZ527 5 shot magazine

    same happened to me last night
  11. blowurselfup

    So what is DayZ, exactly ?

    I swear I hadn't read your post when I wrote mine B) lol I didn't add the year tho damn
  12. blowurselfup

    So what is DayZ, exactly ?

    Jogging simulator with guns and hats
  13. blowurselfup

    Even medics get no chance :|

    last night I found the medic jacket (crimson) so I figured I would rock it and see what happens. I was sort of held up in Gorka police station and convinced the guy I was friendly because why else would I wear this loud ass jacket B) I eventually ran away because he seemed kind of nervous and not used to having company
  14. blowurselfup

    Have you ever given guns and ammo to freshspawns?

    The most I would give to a Bambi / Freshie is a pistol with one chambered round I would NEVER give an unknown player a fully loaded rifle unless I wanted to die I regularly patch clothing and give bandages, food or drink to those players that I meet randomly B)
  15. blowurselfup

    Why is this a thing?

    I wouldn't expect EVERY gun to have a full clip in it...but I think most of them should have AT LEAST an empty clip in it or near it since this is a post apocalyptic world..laws of the community that did exist would be widely ignored
  16. The Melee system MUST be fixed / optimized it is completely useless now. Seems like you actually have to let a zombie hit you for each hit you MIGHT get when you swing a weapon. ive had the same problem getting hit from long distances...one hit me while I was 10m BEHIND it
  17. blowurselfup

    Bipod not accepted by Mosin

    No bipod needed :cool: I could hit a flea off a deers hind quarters at 200 meters with a Mosin Give me any scope and I'm accurate at 400
  18. blowurselfup

    first bowhunting kill

    I would be happy to meet for a meal of venison! I play on HC servers PM me B) Also would like to learn the art of fire making
  19. blowurselfup

    What in the hell is this game doing?

    Desync Lag monster from the depths of Chernarus B) It is in Alpha stage after all
  20. blowurselfup

    First human contact.

    I don't get why MOST players will try to punch you in the face rather then interact and ask for help. The interaction is what makes this game fun to me. There are MANY more games that are MUCH more fun to play in the 'shoot em up' category B)
  21. blowurselfup

    Do DayZ updates only come out on a Wednesday?

    Every Wednesday...during a full moon B)
  22. From now on...take the server description and admin msgs as a suggestion not a rule B)
  23. blowurselfup

    Rarest of loot

    Still have any left?? PM me if you do B) I can be in-game in a few hrs
  24. We have a similar play style B) In HC mode I travel around offering help to anyone who needs it. I do carry a weapon..for hunting and zombie slaying