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Everything posted by blowurselfup

  1. I just went there and thought the EXACT same thing! it is kinda out of the way tho B)
  2. blowurselfup

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    A player that chooses the KOS style is not automatically bad at the game but probably lacks the social skills to have successful interaction. OR maybe they just don't want to interact. KOSers play a role in this game even if they don't know it. I believe it is also ridiculous to blame another player when you get KOSed...since you are the one that put yourself in SIGHT!
  3. blowurselfup

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    Randomly open doors is #1 for me and the doors making noise is pretty cool too B) even though they all make the exact same noise even the sliding doors
  4. SAME thing here...massive desync problems
  5. I play mostly on 1pp but I think 3pp is fine the way it is when I play on a third person server I feel like I am cheating when 'peek' around or over walls B)
  6. blowurselfup

    What if...

    No Military type weapons or equipment? Nah! BUT this would be an interesting mod B)
  7. blowurselfup

    Zombies Opening Doors

    Last night I was attacked by a zombie that was hitting me from outside a closed door Got me real good a couple times as I was in my inventory for a few moments..so I moved away from the door. Got hit again...moved further to the whole other side of the room and got hit again! So I think there are occasions when you can be hit if you are in a building that a zombie is hitting from outside...not cool
  8. Give this guy a break...he is just telling a story. He said he "backed off out of range and logs out" so if he retreated and then logged out instead of engaging the enemy then he technically didn't combat log B) OR is a combat logging coward lol who knows op - be more careful next time buddy
  9. blowurselfup

    Cooking meat doesnt work!

    I don't know if this was the problem but I noticed that it takes much longer to cook meat on a fire if you add more than one log to the fireplace Also my cooking times have varied so much. sometimes it seems like it takes a LONG time...I have never timed it tho B)
  10. blowurselfup

    Zambies kill you even when they're dead.

    The same approach I take B) ALSO another hint : Aim Low (seriously) like you are trying to hit them in the knees
  11. blowurselfup

    Turning positive paid off

    This is the same thing I thought
  12. blowurselfup

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    ALL this can be squashed by saying a few simple things - If you like the game, but think it could be better (most of us) - Be a tester and the game will get better If you do not like the game as it is now - Do not play the game now! Let the Devs and the testers do their thing and check back every once in awhile If you do not like the game, but still want to play anyways- Stop whining! Don't be so negative. Be a tester and the game will get better
  13. blowurselfup


    Nice! I really like the slow motion replay B)
  14. blowurselfup

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    I would play a mod with no zombies. IF there were 100+ players or a much smaller map geared towards pvp. BUT there are many other games that have much better pvp gunplay and "feel" more fun to play in that manner B)
  15. blowurselfup

    Holy zombie aggro Batman...

    I can confirm that I fall prone after drinking all..I never noticed any extra zombie aggro tho
  16. blowurselfup

    How could he.....

    I do not KOS as a rule. the only exception to that rule is when you see another player in a military area! B)
  17. blowurselfup

    Gun sounds are placeholders?

    The Makarov sounds pretty decent B)
  18. blowurselfup

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    Don't forget to eat one vitamin daily B) for your serving of vegetables
  19. blowurselfup

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    It definitely has gotten better but still not completely optimized. I might be wrong but I think seeing through walls has been somewhat fixed also. I still get hit by zombies through walls and floors tho
  20. blowurselfup

    Tents wiped after two of server shutdown?

    I sure do hope those are the OPs tents! B)
  21. I would have no problem with regular character wipes during development at least B) My character gets wiped out just about every time a play for various reasons anyways
  22. blowurselfup

    Weird Unexpected Death. Can someone explain?

    Same thing has happened to just about everyone that has played this game for a few hours or more. Stairs are deadly! watchout for ladders too I know you paid for this game but you ARE an alpha tester so good job brah B)
  23. blowurselfup

    trust person was kill me and my frend

    Cant win em all Shrub. You never should have trusted that player. That guy that killed you didn't care about you or your mission. It is a cool story tho B)
  24. blowurselfup

    R.I.P Tent City.

    BAN? He is just alpha testing the exploitability B)
  25. blowurselfup

    What should and shouldn't open cans

    Realistically..I could use just about any somewhat pointy object to open a can. As long as said object was hard enough...like a rock or scrap piece of metal. Of course you could duct tape 4 rifles to your back and bayonets to your wrists and go nutty! If this was REAL but its not B)