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Everything posted by blowurselfup

  1. You are right! I don't care at all. Because you will not be playing without dexterity B)
  2. blowurselfup

    How to Approach other players?

    Its impossible to give you a perfect answer to this question If you can observe the other player while you remain unseen, try talking to them first. Something like 'Hey. Whats up? Hows it going?' If they immediately pull out their weapon and start to take cover and looking around for you...they will probably shoot you right away. If they seem calm and talk back to you...could be the start of a wonderful relationship. If the other player sees you first...you are screwed B)
  3. blowurselfup

    How many times have you been killed by a server hopper?

    I'm not sure about the percentage B) But...yes I agree From my experience, there is less KOS (in demilitarized areas) on private shard servers
  4. blowurselfup

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    How about rail transport? There are train tracks everywhere
  5. blowurselfup

    What are these buildings?

    It is whatever kind of building you want it to be B) I call it a school building too
  6. blowurselfup

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I'm talking about a regular helicopter that you would find at any airport. Not the gunship that would need to be destroyed with an anti-air rocket. My chopper has an anti anti-air rocket shield anyways B) The helicopter would be used for quick travel only
  7. blowurselfup

    Drying clothes

    When I get the freezing status..I usually get nekid and sit by the fire for a couple mintues B) works every time
  8. blowurselfup

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Yes because helicopters are badass!
  9. blowurselfup

    Steyr AUG

    You were re-born B)
  10. blowurselfup

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    Bring on the Zombies! B) Lets see what happens. Maybe something good...maybe something bad
  11. blowurselfup

    Using Online Map Cheating?

    I use a map on occasion and do not consider it cheating. Planning my routes of travel from point to point or if I get extremely lost. If you want to collect the pieces and use the in game map...go ahead B)
  12. blowurselfup

    I can't seem to find anyone

    Probably had 39 players stalking you the whole time B) I would say NE quarter of the map is a great place to go for 'interaction'
  13. blowurselfup

    A player ran in game economy.

    Barter is the best economy to use B) Any one item could be worth more to someone at any given time then to someone else who might find it completely useless. Whatever it is that you need most is the most valuable thing in the game.
  14. blowurselfup

    Hip fire and ironsight

    I would like to suggest a very simple solution to eliminate the hipfire confusion and increase emersion - Get rid of that silly dot! B)
  15. blowurselfup

    DayZ poem

    Peace out
  16. blowurselfup

    So much negativity....

    I can definitely see progress since I started playing DayZ SA. I think .54 is the best build yet! Looks great and has been responsive on my rig. Not one crash yet B) Thanks Devs! Do not forget about removing that dot in the middle of the screen tho
  17. blowurselfup

    ballistic vest clarification thread

    I think trev186 means no EXTRA protection
  18. blowurselfup

    Worst losses.

    Driving = Death wish
  19. blowurselfup

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    My longest is approx. 800m from the rocky cliff north of Svetlojarsk to a field south of Svet B) I fired a few times but the last one went through the brain case. One of my buddies that was in the city confirmed the kill for me. What I would consider my best shot - 250-300m shot from a house in Elektro near the Western most firestation to the edge of the field north of Elektro. One shot head shot on a player in full sprint. This was in the Mosin + LRS + bipod + compensator days
  20. blowurselfup

    The new melee sounds are just... Bad

    It does sounds kind of silly B)
  21. Agreed...there should be a timer for respawn when unconscious I was thinking about this the other day...when I was clicking respawn while unconscious B)
  22. blowurselfup

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    Dear Devs, Please remove that dot in the middle of the screen Thanks
  23. blowurselfup

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    I don't really concern myself with players that change servers to gear up faster. I don't play like that but its just another exploit that we cant do anything about unless each character is tied to one server. The problem is ghosting. players that change servers in groups to gain an advantageous position for a firefight.
  24. blowurselfup

    Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?

    UZI 9MM