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Everything posted by szlig

  1. szlig

    Status Report - 8 August 2017

    Excited to see you at Gamescom! CEST should be GMT+2, right? (Cause of Daylight saving time.) Just to make sure I don't miss your show ;)
  2. Hello, yesterday I had some trouble with cheating users on a DayZ SA server I have admin rights. Some other users identified one of the cheaters using the mute option (he played music over voicechat and was "running" around using speedhack). Once I had his ingame name I was able to kick him and after he rejoined I could get his Steam ID using #userlist. I then had to kick him several times because I don't know how to ban. Now my questions are: 1. Is there any external remote console available? Commands I use ingame show only the last 5 lines of the output. 2. Is there a possibility for server administrators to connect the player names with the players location on the map? This would help to identify cheating users once their location is reported to me by other players. 3. How to ban a player? Or am I only allowed to kick players as long as the server is connected to public hive? 4. Where do I report a cheater? Do I need a video as proof or is Bohemia/Steam able to use BattlEye to track the cheater down? Thank you for your help.
  3. Thank you for your help. For me the situation is very dissatifying. Abuse happens on both sides, but right now only cheaters have their tools and benefits that it is more easy to shut down a server than to ban a cheater.