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About Sunslayer

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Sunslayer

    Not one, but TWO can openers!

    Why do you guys need more than one can opener? Mine is worn, but it's all I need. If it gets ruined, I can still open cans with my axe until I find a new one.
  2. Sunslayer

    M4 Fully modded / Mosin PU+bipod

    I own civilian AR-15 with 12.5" barrel, shorter than a standard M4A1's 14.5" barrel. I have no problem whatsoever hitting my targets at 200m when I'm at the range. I don't consider myself an expert shot by any stretch, and I probably go shooting once every month. There is really no explanation for the atrocious precision of the M4 in game. If they are doing it for game balance purposes, then I'm fine with it. However if they're going for realism, it's laughable.
  3. Sunslayer

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    I don't mind the rain, but it occurs a little too often.
  4. I ran for 45 minutes across the map on an empty server to find military loots at NWAF, only to find it had been looted and I ran all the way for nothing. Rage quit that day.
  5. Sunslayer

    When Base Building Is Introduced, What Will You Build?

    I'll probably put up some building to attract bandits. When they come I'll farm them for gear.
  6. Sunslayer

    Insta-Ladder Death

    I broke my legs on several occasions climbing ladders. I now avoid them like the plague.
  7. Sunslayer

    So... You need some splints?

    I almost want to break my legs for all the splints, almost.
  8. Sunslayer

    When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?

    If I don't have my weapon raised and he's still circling, he's good as target.
  9. Sunslayer

    When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?

    When they yell friendly, but their character is moving sideways like an animal circling. If you see that, unload on him before he gets the drop on you.
  10. Ducking zombies when you're a fresh spawn, especially since you're on a hunger/thirst timer.
  11. Sunslayer

    Back to using the m4. Killed 5 people last night

    Will trade my fully upgraded M4 for AK-74M when it comes out. I have a special spot for Kalashnikovs.
  12. Sunslayer

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    Just because a guy is yelling "friendly", does not mean he has no intention to shoot you after you lowered your guard.
  13. Sunslayer

    Stories of "Being Helpful"

    I saw a guy stuck in a wall inside the ATAC tower after being bumped into it by a zombie. I let him live. The end~
  14. Sunslayer

    Your Rage Quit Moments

    I'm sure we have at least had it once, moments where we get so frustrated or angry that we immediately Alt+F4. I have only been playing a little more than a week and I've already had two. Both times were related to broken legs due to glitch. The first is when I was running along the road in the bushes towards Stary Sabor, when out of random my toon groaned and laid prone in the ground. I realized my leg had been broken by those infamous sharp grass everyone had been talking about. However, I wasn't worried at that point, knowing I had two morphine pen in my first aid kit. I was instantly enraged when I dropped the kit on the ground to open its contents. The kit simply disappeared in the grass, leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere. I cursed like a sailor and closed the game right then and there. Second is when I was looting Balota airfield, where I was going through the MP building near the west side of the airfield. I struck gold in that particular run, finding a compass, handcuffs, ACOG scope, TTsKO pants and FNX 45 all in pristine condition. I put all my new loot inside the pants and decided to go downstairs. As I turn around to leave, the dreaded groan was heard again. Screen went grey for a second and my legs were broken for no reason. Worst of all, everything I picked up was just ruined in the pants. I used my last morphine too, and was basically stuck in a kill zone. That was my second rage quit in that week. You story?
  15. Sunslayer

    Goodbye Dayz

    Oh I was reading alright, until I saw roll play and glanced at the caps. After that I decided your were an idiot, well just a little bit.