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About KingHenryVIII

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    On the Coast
  1. KingHenryVIII

    Can't find ANY guns?!

    I have been playing DayZ for nearly 8 hours, and am becoming extremely frustrated. I literally cannot find a single gun. I have found bats, crowbars, hacksaws, and much more, but no guns! I have no problem finding clothes or backpacks, either. I have been inside most buildings, and searched throughout Elektro and Cherno, as well as many other smaller towns. I have read guides saying which buildings to look in, but still can't find even a pistol. I haven't found any ammo, either. I haven't found a single gun or any ammo in the 15+ deer stands I've been to, in various servers. It seems that most places I look have already been looted. I have joined many different servers. The only place I haven't looked are the airfields, because I usually end up dying of thirst or getting lost. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be a bug, or am I just unlucky? Thanks and sorry for the rant.